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关于校园欺凌的文章之一 Stand up to Bullying By Bluekit Rockton, Illinois, GOLD Bullying. ______ 1_ ________. They dread being the outcast( 被排斥者 ). The reject( 反抗者 ). The person everyone bullies. The loner( 独行者 ). Not being good enough or not meeting someone’s standards. Some dread it so much, they take their own lives. A tragic way to die. If only the teachers had seen it sooner. If only the parents knew. _______ 2 _________. Statistics( 数字 ) show in 2011 that 60% of middle school students say they have been bullied. Only 16% of staff( 教职工 ) believed that students had been bullied. They also say that over 160,000 stayed home from school to avoid bullying. 20% of high school students said they had thoughts of committing suicide in the past twelve months in 2011. In my opinion, these numbers are too high. What can we do to stop bullying? There are numerous ways to pr bullying. Statistics show that over 50% of bullying decreased if the school had an anti-bully program running. If every school had an anti-bully program running, it might reduce the percentage of bullying. It would show the bullies how much they hurt the person who they were bullying. It would also be more helpful if teachers kept an eye on students at all times. Many bullying cases occur on the playground or at passing time. Only 25% of bullied students said that teachers intervened ( 干涉 ) a bullying incident; ___________ 3 ______________. Another way is to talk to the bully or stand up to them. Tell them how much it hurts when they call you names or physically hurt you. _________ 4 _______. Most likely, they bully just to impress their friends. Tell a teacher or trusted . It’s one of the most commonly known ways to stop a bully from bullying you. Don’t worry; you won’t be a snitch( 告密 ) or tattle-tale. Tattle-telling ( 搬弄是非 ) is when someone purposely tells on someone to get them in trouble. ______ 5 ________. It will help you in the long run. Don’t just sit on the sidelines and watch bullying. Stand up for the bullying victim and let them know they won’t be alone. Bullying is never, nor will it ever be, a tolerable matter. Together we can stand up to bullying and make it disappear. Poof! A. Go and ask for help from a trusted teacher immediately they hurt you. B. If only the victim spoke up. C. Just telling a teacher or trusted the situation is perfectly fine. D. A word almost every kid dreads. E. While 71% of teachers said they intervened a bullying incident. F. Something even happens in the campus everyday worldwide. G. Try to help them understand bullying isn’t cool.
