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The day to sign up ( 报名参加 ) for after-school sports clubs was yesterday. Mindy was waiting for the day all summer. She was ready to sign up for her favorite sports club. “Hey, Mindy,” Laurie said. “I can’t wait to sign up.” “Me, too. I’m really excited!” said Mindy. “Let’s go to sign up for cheerleading ( 拉拉队 ) now,” said Laurie. “The coach ( 教练 ) is over there.” “Cheerleading?” asked Mindy. “Yeah,” said Laurie. “We’re all going to sign up for it. Tara, Beth, Liz, and me. You have to sign up with us.” Mindy looked at the soccer coach. He was bouncing ( 使弹起 ) the ball from his foot to his head. Mindy wanted to be with her friends, but she really wanted to play soccer. “I want to sign up for soccer,” said Mindy. “Soccer? Really?” Laurie looked surprised. “Why?” “Look at all the cool tricks ( 技巧 ) he can do with the ball. I hope I can do them, too.” Laurie looked at the coach and said, “Yes, those tricks are cool.” “Why do you want to be a cheerleader?” Mindy asked her. “Well, all our friends will sign up for it. I thought it would be fun to join together.” Mindy knew it was true. “You’re right. Maybe I’ll join cheerleading, too.” She started to walk to the cheerleading coach, but Laurie took her arm. “Wait. Maybe I can join soccer with you.” “Really?” Mindy smiled. “Yeah. I think I’d like to have a try, but I might need you to help me practice.” Mindy took Laurie’s hands. She was going to play her favorite sport with her best friend.


