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For years, scientists believed that human brain development was completed by the time we were 10 or 11. Recent studies, however, show that during our age years, our brain is still maturing in important ways. When we’re agers, our decision- ability is developing and we’re learning to make good choices. At the same time, we’re more likely than ever to take risks. Is this normal? Scientists who study the brain say “yes”. In fact, they believe that risk-taking and our “irrational” behaviors may actually help s to become successful s. Take, for example, the ager’s love of thrills. We all like new and exciting things, but never as much as we do during our age years. During this time of our lives, scientists say, our brains produce chemicals that can lead to erous behaviors, and it can also produce positive ones. Taking risks and trying new things may be challenging or even erous, but this behavior can also lead to useful experiences that will benefit us as s. Scientists also find there is an intense need for peer (同龄人) approval among agers. We enter a world made by our parents. But we will live most of our lives and succeed in a world run by our peers. Therefore, it is important that we are accepted and respected by our peers, even if it means taking some risks to fit it.


【单选题】Bringing up children is a hard work, and you are often to blame for any bad behavior. of your children. If so, Judith Rich Harris has good news for you. Parents, she argues, have no important long -te...

parents are to blame for any bad behavior. of their children
parents will affect greatly the children's life in the long run
nature rather than nurture has a significant effect on children' s personality development
children' s personality is shaped by their friends and neighbors