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Peter: Good morning. Mr. Baker. Steven: Morning, Peter. What's up? Peter: Not much. Oh, Mr. Baker, is that true that you'll have a meeting on the new project half an hour later? Steven: Yeah, we'll design the elevator system for the ___1__ -story building of Carlson Real Estate. Peter: Mr. Baker, do you think I can recommend ___2___ in the project? You know, I've been an intern for several months. And I have a good __3___ of CAD. Actually I sent an email to you yesterday about it, but there's no __4___ . Steven: Sorry, I was too busy to check my mail box. Well, I really need an assistant . Maybe you can join us in the first two stages of our design. Peter: Oh! That means I will do the market research and make concept sketches. Steven: Also you can __5___ the concept color renderings(色彩效果图). Peter: Really? Thank you very much, Mr. Baker! Steven: That's all right. So,you need to be in the meeting this morning. Peter: OK.
