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It was a cold winter’s afternoon, Robert stopped for a moment as he crossed the bridge and looked down at the river below. There were hardly any ___1___ on the river. ___2___ the bridge, however, almost directly below, ___3___ was a small canoe(独木舟), with a boy in it. He was ___4___ wearing many clothes, Robert ___5___. He shivered(打了个寒颤) and walked on.
___6___ he heard a cry. “Help! Help!” The cry ___7___ from the river. Robert looked down. The boy was ___8___ the water and his canoe was ___9___ away, “Help! Help!” he called again.
Robert was a good ___10___. Taking off his clothes, he ___11___ into the river. The ___12___ water made him tremble all over, ___13___ in a few seconds he reached the ___14___. “Don’t be afraid,” he said and started to swim towards the river bank, ___15___ the boy with him. But at that ___16___ he noticed a large motor boat under the bridge. There were several people on the boat, all___17___in his direction. Robert ___18___ to swim towards the boat.
“Give me a hand,” he shouted ___19___ he got near the boat. He ___20___ up into a row of faces. “It’s funny,” he thought. “They look so ___21___.” Silently they helped the boy into the boat and ___22___ him in a blanket. But they did not move to ___23___ Robert.
“Aren’t you going to pull me ___24___ too?” Robert asked.
“You!” said one of the men. Robert noticed that he was standing next to a large ___25___. “You! Why, we were a film and you spoiled(破坏) a whole afternoon’s work! You can stay in the water.”
1. A. fish B. boats C. waves D. sounds
2. A. From B. Towards C. Near D. Beyond
3. A. there B. it C. where D. that
4. A. then B. also C. only D. not
5. A. noticed B. saw C. guessed D. said
6. A. Till then B. Just then C. Far away D. From there
7. A. happened B. went C. arrived D. came
8. A. on B. within C. in D. under
9. A. running B. floating C. flowing D. pulling
10. A. swimmer B. guard C. soldier D. sportsman
11. A. threw B. looked C. dived D. turned
12. A. deep B. cool C. dirty D. cold
13. A. but B. so C. and D. or
14. A. canoe B. bank C. boy D. bridge
15. A. pushing B. dragging C. holding D. catching
16. A. place B. period C. second D. moment
17. A. seeing B. smiling C. looking D. shouting
18. A. decided B. went C. agreed D. promised
19. A. while B. till C. for D. as
20. A. turned B. looked C. hurried D. stood
21. A. nervous B. afraid C. excited D. angry
22. A. wrapped B. left C. placed D. threw
23. A. save B. thank C. help D. wrap
24. A. on B. out C. away D. off
25. A. boat B. blanket C. camera D. screen
