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·Read the text below about how to form a good manager.
·In most of the lines (41-52) there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.
·If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.
·If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERES on your Answer Sheet.
Where do managers come from

Good managers are not born~ they are made up. An organization acquires
managers mainly in three ways: promoting employees within the organization, hiring employees from other organizations, and hiring employees out of schools and universities.
41.Promoting people within the organization into management positions it can be an
42.excellent idea. It tends to increase motivation. Promoting from them within can also lead to
43.problems. While it can build a company loyalty, it may limit innovation. The new
44.manager may continue the practices and policies of previous managers. Thus as it is vital
45.to hire outside of people from time to time to bring new ideas into the organization.
46.Finding managers with the skills, knowledge, and experience be required to run an
47.organization or department is sometimes difficult. Specialized executive employment
48.agencies often provide with the needed skills to locate viable candidates from other companies
49.Even though if outside people can bring fresh ideas to a company, hiring them may cause
50.resentment among being existing employees.
51.Schools and universities provide a large pool of potential managers. Entry-level
52.applicants can be screened for their potential to develop them into managers. People with specialized management skills are especially good candidates. Some companies offer special training programs for potential managers just getting out of school.


【单选题】On August 10, 1999, Donna Dees-Thomases watched as every parent’s nightmare unfolded on TV: A gunman had shot and injured two young children at a California day camp. "My heart was in my throat," she ...

On August 10, 1999, Donna Dees-Thomases watched as every parent’s nightmare unfolded on TV: A gunman had shot and injured two young children at a California day camp. "My heart was in my throat," she says. "Those children could have been mine."
Anger and fear led Dees-Thomases, 46, a mother of three from Short Hills, NJ, to organize the Million Mom March on Mother’s Day in 2000. A stand against the 30 000 deaths and 75 000 gun-related injuries a year in the United States, it drew an estimated 750 000 to Washington, DC.
Now the second Million Mom March, set for May 9 in DC, will urge the federal government to renew and strengthen the assault weapons ban (set to expire in September). And Dees-Thomases’ new book, Looking for a Few Good Moms: How One Mother Rallied a Million Others against the Gun Lobby, will be published this month by Rodale, Prevention’s parent company.



【单选题】47(). A.day B.thing C.reality D.truth

George Washington proclaimed a National Day of Thanksgiving in 1789, (36) some were opposed to it. There was (37) among the colonies, (38) feeling the hardships of a few Pilgrims did not (39) a national holiday. And (40) , President Thomas Jefferson laughed (41) the idea of having a day of thanksgiving.
(42) was Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor, whose efforts eventually led to (43) we now recognize as Thanksgiving. Hale wrote many editorials championing her (44) in her Boston Ladies’ Magazine. (45) , after a 40-year (46) of writing editorials and letters to governors and presidents, Hale’s obsession became a (47) when, in 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a (48) day of Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving was proclaimed by every president (49) Lincoln. The date was changed a (50) of times, most recently by Franklin Roosevelt, who set it (51) one week to the next-to-last Thursday in order to (52) a longer Christmas shopping season. Public uproar (53) the decision caused the president to move Thanksgiving (54) to its original date two years later. And in 1941, Thanksgiving was finally sanctioned by Congress as a (55) holiday, as the fourth Thursday in November.