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Section B
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should decide on the best choice.
For one thing, tightness in the job market seems to have given men an additional incentive to take jobs where they can find them.Although female-dominated office and service jobs for the most part rank lower in pay and stores, 'they're still there,' says June O'Neill, director of program and policy research at the institute.Traditionally male blue-collar jobs, meanwhile, 'aren't increasing at all.'
At the same time, she says, 'The outlooks of young people are different.' Younger men with less rigid views on what constitutes male or female work 'may not feel there's such a stigma (耻辱) to work in a female-dominated field.'
Although views have softened, men who cross the ual segregation line in the job market may still face discrimination and ridicule.David Anderson, a 36-year-old former high school teacher, says he found secretarial work 'a way out of teaching and into the business world.' He had applied for work at 23 employment agencies for 'management training jobs that didn't exist,' and he discovered that 'the best skill I had was being able to type 70 words a minute.'
He took a job as a secretary to the marketing director of a New York publishing company.But he says he could feel a lot of people wondering 'what I was doing there and if something was wrong with me'.Mr.Anderson's boss was a woman.When she asked him to fetch coffee, he says, 'the other secretaries' eyebrows went up.' Sales executives who came in to see his boss, he says, 'I couldn't quite believe that I could and would type, take dictation, and answer the phones.'
Males sometimes find themselves mistaken for higher-status professionals.Anthony Shee, a flight attendant with US Air Inc., has been mistakes for a pilot.Mr.Anderson, the secretary, says he found himself being 'treated in executive tones whenever I wore a suit.'
In fact, the men in fractional female jobs often move up the ladder fast Mr.Anderson actually worked only seven months as a secretary.Then he got a higher-level, better-paying job as a placement counselor at an employment agency.'I got a lot of encouragement to advance,' he says, 'including job tips from male executives who couldn't quite see me staying a secretary.'
Experts say, for example, that while men make up only a small fraction of elementary school teachers, a disproportionate number of elementary principals are men Barbara Bergmann, an economist at the University of Maryland who has studied segregation at work, believes that's partly because of ism in the occupational structure' and partly because men have been raised to assert themselves and to assume responsibility.Men may also feel more compelled than women to advance, she suspects.
According to the passage, which statement is NOT line?

Men have taken jobs in female-dominated careers because these jobs were available.
Physical labor jobs were not increasing.
Men have taken jobs in female-dominated careers because these jobs pay more.
Although the jobs in female-dominated careers pay lower, men still take them.

【单选题】⑤这句话表明沃克医生() A.同情受苦难的中国人民,讲哥们儿义气 B.来中国行医不是为了发财,所以不准别人讥笑他发财 C.同情中国人民革命,崇敬英雄,以出卖英雄为莫大耻辱 D.来中国行医是为了发财,但又不准别人讥笑他发财

  重庆临江门外,一个德国人开设的诊所里。医生沃克端坐桌后,神情()。他头也不抬,冷冷地问:“什么名字”“刘大川。”“年龄”“二十四岁。”“什么病”“土匪打伤了眼睛。”沃克放下笔,起身正准备查看伤势,一个护士走进诊室,悄声说:“沃克医生,五号病床的先生害怕做手术,要求……”沃克粗暴的打断护士的话,( )地说:“叫他滚蛋!我的诊所里再不要见到这胆小鬼!”护士喏喏连声地退走了。
  沃克医生余怒未息,他熟练地解开了病人右眼上的绷带,蓝色的眼睛里闪出( )的神情,重新审视着前这个病人,冷冷地问:“你是干什么的”“邮局职员。”“你是军人!”沃克医生一针见血地说,“我当过德国的军医。这样重的伤势,只有军人才能如此从容镇定!”病人微微一笑,针锋相对地回答:“沃克医生,军人处事靠自己的判断,而不是靠老太婆似的喋喋不休!”沃克怔住了。他伸手制止了闻声赶来的护士,双目火辣辣地盯着对方。良久,沃克医生目光( )了,突然对护士吩咐:“准备手术!”
  沃克医生的脸上又一次浮现出( )的神情。他想说什么却又忍住了。[]他挥手让护士出去,关上手术室的门,然后注视着病人说:“告诉我,你的真名叫什么”[]④“刘伯承。”沃克医生肃然起敬:“啊,川东支队的将领,久仰久仰,认识您很荣幸。袁世凯悬赏十万买您的头!”刘伯承开玩笑地说:“你要是告诉北洋政府,说我在这儿,准能发一笔大财。”沃克医生象受了侮辱,怒气冲冲的说:“对侮辱我人格的人我不惜决斗⑤刘伯承微笑道:“等伤口好了以后,一定奉陪。”说着,友好地伸出手去。