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On a rubbish run to work, I was greeted with a sight that made me both sad and angry. On the top of the
pile (堆) of rubbish sat a small dog. He was too high up to get down,and there was no way that he could have
climbed up by himself. He had been thrown out with the rubbish by some sick-minded person.
I took him back to my workplace and then home with me. I didn't want to take him to the lost animal
society. However, later that evening, my boss heard that someone had lost their dog and gave them my
number. I was very surprised when the dog's owner phoned me.
She came straight over to fetch him and was very thankful for what I'd done. The dog was sitting on an
electric blanket (毯子) happily playing with a ball when she arrived.
Maybe she'd been putting her rubbish into bags and had left one on the floor. The little dog had jumped
in there,and without realizing where he was, she'd tied the bag and dropped it off at the collection point.
Luckily, he was able to find his way out somehow, and had found himself high up.
It made me feel very silly for jumping to such a wrong conclusion. It was obvious (明显的) that she
loved her dog very much, and I felt sorry for what I'd been thinking about its owner all afternoon.
Now I'm never sure that something happened in a certain way, no matter how obvious it appears. And
when I hear people drawing a conclusion without the facts, I tell them about the dog on the rubbish pile.
1. How did the dog come to the rubbish pile probably?
A. He was thrown there by his owner.
B. He climbed there on his own.
C. He was driven there by someone.
D. He followed the writer there.
2. The writer brought the dog home because _______.
A. she didn't know whose he was
B. she was waiting for the owner
C. she wanted to keep him home
D. she'd like to give him to the boss
3. What is the best conclusion we can draw from the story?
A. Everyone takes pity on lost animals.
B. There are really sick-minded people.
C. We should correct mistakes in time.
D. Facts must come before conclusions.
