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I got up early this morning. After I walked the dogs, I went to work. On my way to work I passed my neighbor (邻居), Stanley. Stanley is old and has lived in the neighborhood for about eighty years. His parents were from Poland. After I passed Stanley, I came to a little store. The owner (店主), Victor, came from Mexico twenty-five years ago and opened the food store. Then I walked to Ashland Avenue. Ashland was very busy. There were cars, buses, restaurants and a lot of people. After work I rushed (奔) home to see the dogs and took them for a walk. I took them to Chicago Avenue because there are many clothes stores and shoe stores. I went to see what was for sale. After I got home, I stood in front of my house with my dogs and talked to my neighbors. I heard lots of kids playing after school. After the sun set (落下), my stre et got a little quieter. 小题1:Before the writer went to work, he _____. A.walked his dogs B.went to visit Stanley C.did morning exercises D.went to the store to buy some food 小题2:Victor is the store’s owner and he ______. A.comes from Poland B.comes from Mexico C.is a bout eighty years old D.is twenty-five years old 小题3:Where can you buy shoes in the writer’s neighborhood? A.In Stanley’s house. B.In Victor’s store. C.On Ashland Avenue. D.On Chicago Avenue. 小题4:We can learn from the passage that ____. A.the writer’s neighborhood is very old B.it’s erous to live in the writer’s neighborhood C.it’s difficult to buy food in the writer’s neighborhood D.the writer doesn’t like his neighborhood 小题5:What is the best title for the passage? A.My Dogs and Me B.My Friendly Neighbors C.My Neighborhood Story D.The History of a Little Store
