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When I was in my early twenties, I moved away from my home state of Wisconsin to attend graduate school. I chose to go to the University Of Arizona in Tucson and36there. Upon landing in early June, I was shocked by the lack of37and the burning desert heat. After less than two days in that 38I called my parent to question whether I had made the 39choice and to announce that I was40considering coming home. My father, in a calm and 41voice, indicated that I always had a 42. I could always come home and be welcome there. But in fact, we both43I wouldn’t come home at the time. Needless to say, I chose to44.
Many years have passed. My father’s45words remain with me. Knowing that I can always46, I’ve been able to47several challenging situations -unemployment, divorce and even the48of my only son. I have also used these words in many cases where others need to know that someone49and that they do have a choice.
Whether 50is earthly, spiritual, or some sense of calm, knowing that we can come home will be just enough to51us on our way.
It 52me, in a way, of the prodigal son(回头的浪子) who found 53and love upon returning home. While we don’t have to be like him and hit bottom in life, it is good to know that we can wander and experience pains and 54in life but we still have a home where love, support and comfort 55.
小题1:A.flewB.droveC.walkedD.cycled小题2:A.blueB.yellowC.brownD.green小题3:A.familyB.refugeC.environmentD.desert小题4:A.newB.right C.last D.difficult小题5:A.naturallyB.fortunatelyC.obviouslyD.seriously小题6:A.gentleB.weakC.supportiveD.pleasant小题7:A.choiceB.dreamC.friendD.request小题8:A.pretendedB.expectedC.knewD.forgot小题9:A.graduate B.regretC.returnD.continue小题10:A.surprisingB.encouragingC.interesting D.moving小题11:A.wander outsideB.hang aroundC.come home D.move away小题12:A.face up toB.get away with C.make sure ofD.look out for小题13:A.return B.growthC.arrival D.loss小题14:A.worriesB.caresC.leavesD.stays小题15:A.healthB.marriageC.churchD.home小题16:A.helpB.stopC.protect D.teach小题17:A.informsB.remindsC.warnsD.rids小题18:A.comfortB.interest C.foodD.money小题19:A.regretsB.complaintsC.sufferingsD.pleasures小题20:A.surviveB.existC.fallD.disappear
