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Linda: Happy birthday, Mary!
Mary: (51)
Linda: Who is the tall man next to your brother
Mary: Didn’t you meet him before
Linda: (52)
Mary: Oh! Then let me introduce you to him now, Steve, (53) .
Steve: Hi, Linda. (54)
Linda: I’m glad to meet you, too. Can’t we sit down somewhere and talk
Steve: (55) Let’s sit over there.


Linda: Happy birthday, Mary!
Mary: (51)
Linda: Who is the tall man next to your brother
Mary: Didn’t you meet him before
Linda: (52)
Mary: Oh! Then let me introduce you to him now, Steve, (53) .
Steve: Hi, Linda. (54)
Linda: I’m glad to meet you, too. Can’t we sit down somewhere and talk
Steve: (55) Let’s sit over there.


【单选题】Under pressure from animal welfare groups, two national science teachers associations have adopted guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals. The National Association of Biology Teache...

stopping all animal abuse in schools.
establishing guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals.
protecting animals from being experimented with in extracurricular projects.
persuading two national science teachers associations to adopt an animal protection policy.

【单选题】21() A.make B.set up C.build D.form

In the United States the most popular form of folk dancing since the early days has been square dancing. In early times, when men and women worked in groups to (21) a barn(谷仓) for harvest crops, they danced when the work was done. The music (22) from a violin for the most part. But if there was no one to play an instrument(乐器), clapping(击掌) was used to (23) the rhythm(节奏) by which to dance. The early settlers(移民) danced in a store, in a barn, or in a farm kitchen.
After some years (24) , square dancing became (25) popular in cities and towns, but it (26) popular in the country. Then it became popular in the cities once again. Today in (27) parts of the United States you will find some school, club, or other group that is square dancing for fun.
A square is formed by four couples(对,双) who stand (28) the center of the square. Each couple stands on one (29) of the square, the boy on the left and the girl on the right.
The "caller" is an important part of the (30) since he tells the dancers which steps to do. If the dancers do not know the steps, he teaches them. It (31) time to learn to be good caller, and good callers are always in demand.
Large or small groups of people can dance at one time. Sometimes 800 or 1,000 people may be dancing at the (32) time. Or there may be only one square of (33) people.
Costumes(服装) are worn by some who square dance. This (34) the dancing more colorful to watch. The costumes vary(不同) from place to place. Women often wear full skirts of various colors with pretty blouse(罩衫). Men may have colored skirts and western trousers which they wear (35) when square dancing

【单选题】B Oxford is a very old town on the River Thames, about 60 miles from London. Unlike modern university towns, where you usually find the university on the edge of the town, or on its own ...

the university is also the town center
one of the crossroads is called Carfax
the university is on the edge of the town
most buildings are modern and interesting