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Research is commonly divided into "applied" and "pure". This classification is arbitrary and loose, but what is usually meant is that applied research is a deliberate investigation of a problem of practical importance, in contradistinction to pure research done to gain knowledge for its own sake. The pure scientist may be said to accept as an act of faith that any scientific knowledge is worth pursuing for its own sake, and, if pressed, he usually claims that in most instances it is ually found to be useful. Most of the greatest discoveries, such as the discovery of electricity, X-rays, radium and atomic energy, originated from pure research, which allows the worker to follow unexpected, interesting clues without the intention of achieving results of practical value. In applied research it is the project which is given support, whereas in pure research it is the man. However, often the distinction between pure and applied research is a superficial one as it may merely depend on whether or not the subject investigated is one of practical importance, For example, the investigation of the life cycle of a protozoon in a pond is pure research, but if the protozoon studied is a parasite of man or domestic animal the research would be termed applied. A more fundamental differentiation, which corresponds only very roughly with the applied and pure classification is (a) that in which the objective is given and the means of obtaining it are sought, and (b) that in which the discovery is first made and then a use for it is sought.
There exists in some circles a certain amount of intellectual snobbery and tendency to look contemptuously, on applied investigation. This attitude is based on the following two false ideas: that new knowledge is only discovered by pure research while applied research merely seeks to apply knowledge already available, and that pure research is a higher intellectual activity because it requires greater scientific ability and is more difficult. Both these ideas are quite wrong. Important new knowledge has frequently arisen from applied investigation; for instance, the science of bacteriology originated largely from Pasteur’s investigations of practical problem in the beer, wine and silkworm industries. Usually it is more difficult to get results in applied research than in pure research, because the worker has to stick to and solve a given problem instead of following any promising clue that may turn up. Also in applied research most fields have already been well worked over and many of the easy and obvious things have been done. Applied research should not be confused with the routine practice of some branch of science where only the application of existing knowledge is attempted. There is need for both pure and applied research for they tend to be complementary.
According to the author,

the investigation of the life cycle of a protozoon is pure research.
applied investigation is looked down upon in modern society.
the discovery of X-rays was made in applied research.
the common classification of research is neither accurate nor impersonal.

【单选题】11() A. New knowledge is integrated with existing knowledge to develop unique insights and create even more valuable knowledge. B. The broadest value proposition, then, for engaging in knowledge manag...

Knowledge as a Strategic Resource
While having unique access to valuable resources is one way to create competitive advantage, in some cases either this may not be possible or competitor, may imitate or develop substitutes for those resources. Companies having superior knowledge, however, are able to coordinate and combine their traditional resources and capabilities in new and distinctive ways, providing more value for their customers than can their competitors. That is, by having superior intellectual resources, an organization can understand how to exploit and develop their traditional resources better than competitors, even if some or all of those traditional resources are not unique. Therefore, knowledge can be considered the most important strategic resource, and the ability to acquire, integrate, store, .share and apply it is the most important capability for building and sustaining competitive advantage. (8)
What is it about knowledge that makes the advantage sustainable (9) Unlike many traditional resources, it is not easily purchased in the marketplace in a ready-to-use form. To acquire similar knowledge, competitors have to engage in similar experience. However, acquiring knowledge through experience takes time, and cempetitors are limited in how much they can accelerate their learning merely through greater investment.
(10) Learning opportunities for an organization that already has a. knowledge advantage may be more valuable than for competitors having similar learning opportunities but starting off knowing less. For example, Big6 invested heavily in capturing and sharing knowledge about key engagements across the firm so that it could sustain its areas of advantage by always building on its latest knowledge, rather than "reinventing the wheel" while giving its competitors a chance to catch up.
Sustainability may also come from an organization already knowing something that uniquely complements newly acquired knowledge, which provides an opportunity for knowledge synergy not available to its competitors. (11) Organizations should therefore seek areas of learning and experimentation that can potentially add value to their existing knowledge via synergistic combination.
Sustainability of a knowledge advantage, then, comes from knowing more about some things than competitor combined with the time constraints faced by competitors in acquiring similar knowledge, regardless of how much they invest to catch up. (12) The mere it is used, the more valuable it becomes, creating a self-reinforcing cycle. If an organization can identify areas where its knowledge leads the competition, and if that unique knowledge can be applied profitably in the marketplace, it can represent a powerful and sustainable competitive advantage.
A New knowledge is integrated with existing knowledge to develop unique insights and create even more valuable knowledge.
B The broadest value proposition, then, for engaging in knowledge management is that it can enhance the organization’s fundamental ability to compete.
C Unlike traditional physical goods that are consumed as they are used (providing decreasing returns over time), knowledge provides increasing returns as it is used.
D Knowledge-based competitive advantage is also sustainable because the more a firm already knows, the more it can learn.
E Companies having superior knowledge, however, are able to coordinate and combine their traditional resources and capabilities in new and distinctive ways, providing more value for their customers than can their competitors.
F As a competitive advantage, knowledge may generate more value for the company if it is appropriately used.
G Knowledge -- especially context-specific, tacit knowledge embedded in complex organizational routines and developed from experience-tends to be unique, and difficult to imitate.

【单选题】What does the woman think of autumn

Better than spring.
She likes autumn best.
She prefers spring.

【单选题】Car makers have long used sex to sell their products. Recently, however, both BMW and Renault have based their latest European marketing campaigns around the icon of modern biology. BMW’s campaign, wh...

BMW’s emphasizes technological revolution more explicitly.
Renault’s proves to be more successful.
Renault’s provides more delicate messages than BMW’s.
BMW’s employs the metaphor of DNA while Renault’s doesn’t.