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John: Do you eat a lot of junk food, Sam? Sam: Yes, I do. I don't like to cook, and fast food is cheap and easy to get. John: That's true. But it isn't ( ) . It's bad for you. Sam: I know. It also has a lot of artificial ( ) in it. John: That's right. Try to ( ) fast food. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. They are easy to get, too. Sam: You eat a lot of ( ) fruits and vegetables. Are they expensive? John: They cost a little more, but they taste delicious. They have a wonderful ( ) . Sam: Are you a ( ) , John? John: Yes, I am. I don't eat meat. Sam: Are you a good cook? John: I love to cook. I cook dinner for my friends a lot. I like to be ( ) . Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow night? Sam: OK. That sounds great!
