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Write an invitation letter according to the information given below. 假定你是李华。你在的学校将在暑假期间举办“澳大利亚文化展览”。请你根据以下要点给澳大利亚朋友 Peterson 写一封信,请他届时前来给你们做一次讲座。 目的:帮助师生了解澳洲历史与文化; 内容:简要介绍澳大利亚的风土人情; 写信日期: 2019 年 7 月 5 日 日期:8月第一周内任意一天的下午; 时间: 3 : 00---5 : 00 ,约两个小时; ___________ Dear Peterson, Our school is planning to hold an Australian culture show this summer vacation. I’m writing to _______________( 邀请你 ) to give us a lecture about the people and customs on the continent of Australia. We would like to get our teachers and students to learn more about your history and culture. You may choose any day of the first week in August and give us the talk that afternoon, starting _____________ ( 3 点开始) and ending at about 5:00pm. I’m ______________ (期待) your reply and we’re sure your talk will be a success. ____________ sincerely, Li Hua
