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I wear what I feel is comfortable and convenient. Decades ago, my 10-year-old Italian nephew
asked me for jeans from Canada when I visited.
Upon seeing them, he claimed they were not Levis. 'What does Levis mean?' I asked ly.
Later, I was preparing to come to China when my Sichuan friend ordered jeans for her daughter.
'You mean Levis, I guess?' 'No, Benetton,' she said.
Living in China I realize the effect brands have on people here. Once I bought a pair of sandals
because I needed sandals. Many people told me, 'Wow! You wear them? You have money!' I didn't
know why they thought 150-yuan ($22) sandals were for wealthy people. I had never heard that brand
name (which I can't remember) before.
While visiting my family in Canada, we were talking about fake products(假冒商品) in China. As a
writer, I don't accept that readers pirate(盗版) my books and I would consider myself a thief if I ever
buy them. A young relative asked, 'What about your purse?'
'What's the problem with my purse?' I countered.
'It's a Yves Saint-Laurent; do you mean you paid the full price?'
'How can you think I bought a YSL? I bought it because of size, color and price.'
She picked up the purse and pointed to the steel YSL on it. Believe it or not, I had not noticed it till
When Pearl Market used to sell watches, I happened to need one and went there for the large
choice they offered. What I wanted was a watch to see the time, I insisted.
They had no Chinese brands, only Cartier, Citizen, Seiko, Rolex. Having refused several ming pai
copies, I was leaving without buying when I saw a black one.
'Diesel, what a strange name for a watch,' I thought. Wasn't diesel something that went into a gas
tank? The business deal went quickly; I offered 35 yuan and left with the watch.
1. What's the author's attitude towards fake products?
A. He thinks they are of good quality.
B. He supports fake products.
C. He believes they are symbols of status.
D. He is strongly against fake products.
2. Why did the author go to Pearl Market to buy a watch?
A. Because the watches here were cheaper.
B. Because there were many famous brands.
C. Because he might make a better choice here.
D. Because he wanted to buy a fake watch.
3. What point does the author want to make in the passage?
A. Brands don't always tell the truth.
B. Fake products should be banned.
C. Following fashion makes much sense.
D. True beauty comes from one's actions.


【单选题】Hong Kong’s once booming movie industry--one of the world’s biggest——faces extinction as video piracy(盗版)becomes more and more popular. Gone are the days when film fans swarmed to cinemas to see lates...

The Vicious Cycle of Talent Drain.
How to Deal with the Piracy Problem.
The Influence of Asia’s Financial Crisis on Movie Industry.
Piracy Robs Movie Industry of Profits.

