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A. lost
B. ill
C. tired
D. hot

In the jungle you may get hopelessly host within ten minutes after starting. That is (36) you should always carry a compass(指南针). In open country, during the day, you can (37) which way to go by studying the (38) At night, the stars are sure (39) to direction. In most places the jungle rooftop(顶)is so (40) that it is (41) to see the sun or the stars. (42) you must check your position by the (43) Keep careful. Watch the ground in front of you carefully. (44) and listen now and again. Avoid (45) , and rest often. In a place (46) is hot and damp, the person who walks fast will soon become (47) . A steady, show step is wisest in the long run. If you (48) your way, don’t be scared(恐惧的) Try to (49) how long it has been (50) you were sure of your position. Make a mark (51) you are on a tree. Put the marks on (52) of the trees, so that you’ll be able to see them from any (53) Then you can begin retracing your steps(顺序路返回), knowing that you can always find the place (54) which you started. (55) try to travel through the jungle at night except in an emergency (紧急情况)

【单选题】What were the primary uses of the horse for early man() A. For food. B. For power. C. To make money. D. To work for him.

The horse came into existence before man on earth. Although the earliest remains of primitive horses have been found on the North American continent, many scientists believe this small species traveled over a land mass. It became extinct (绝种的) in America. Other scientists believe that the horse may have originated in Asia. In any event the animal soon spread into China, Europe, and the Middle East. The first modem horse to be introduced into the American continent came with the early Spanish explorers. Horses were bred into many types. The heavy horses developed in the low countries of Europe and were used for work and by the medieval knights (中世纪骑士) to fide. The oldest breed of horses is said to be the Arabian. The only true wild horses left in 20th century are found in Mongolia. Horses are said to rate in intelligence after the ape, the elephant, the dog. They have excellent memories and can sometimes find their way home when lost, and sense danger better than their masters. The early civilizations of man that had made use of the horse developed more rapidly than those which had not.

【单选题】According to the passage, what is the schoolhouse-on-wheels() A. It is a mobile classroom. B. It is a truck used as a house. C. It is a truck used for picking the children up to school. D. It is a hou...

Driving a large truck over mountain roads is not the usual way that a schoolteacher begins her day—especially if she is a preschool teacher. But Mrs. Beth Miller does this five days every week. Her unusual schoolhouse-on-wheels is really a large truck. The back of the truck has been made into a classroom in order to carry the advantages of modem education to remote area of the state of West Virginia. In many rural areas of this state it is impossible for small children to go to regular schools because of the isolation caused by the many hills and valleys of Appalachia.
The purpose of the schoolhouse-on-wheels project is to develop basic skills and social behavior in children three to five years of age. This is accomplished through games, exercises, toys and simple handicrafts. The schoolhouse-on-wheels also teaches the young children to recognize 300 to 400 words on the printed page. This is a great advantage in helping the pupils to learn to read when they begin regular school. In his three-year history the project has helped about 350 children in an area composed of five countries, an area of 20, 000 square kilometers.
The schoolhouse-on-wheels is part of the Appalachia Educational Laboratory, a research paid by the federal government. Besides the mobile classroom, other pans of the program include lessons by television and visits to the home of the students. The technique is very effective, and one teacher can do the work of seven in a traditional educational system. As a result the program costs about 50% less than the regular kindergarten.

【单选题】Teachers gave the selected children more attention because() A. they were not as clever as the other children B. they were told to teach them in a different way C. they expected them to learn faster D...

In this experiment, Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson studied the way that innocent subjects might be affected by another person’s expectations. First, they gave an intelligence test to the entire student body at an unnamed primary school in the San Francisco area. Then, they selected students at random(随便) and told their teachers that the students’ tests had shown that they were about to experience a period of rapid learning. Teachers did not change their methods or materials for teaching the selected students, but, at the end of the year, when the test was administered (实施) again, first and second graders who had been selected had, in fact, gained twice as many IQ points as the other children. The experimenters concluded that they had performed better because they had been given more attention. Teachers had challenged them and had given them more positive reinforcement because they had expected more from them.