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Section D The Psychology and Physiology of Taking Risks Why do only some of us become risk-seekers There must be factors at work, which is experienced by risk-seekers and by risk-avoiders alike. On a very level, social rewards are high for risk-takers who triumph over adversity. The scientist who does cutting-edge research despite the possibility of ruining his or her career may discover the next great energy source or the long-sought cure for a disease. The civil rights leader who perseveres in the face of threats to life or family may open new doors for millions of downtrodden citizens. Charles Lindbergh, the postal-service pilot who focused the attention of many nations on the possibilities of long-distance flight, attained immense wealth and fame. The risk-seeker, in other words, may simply be a very goal-directed person willing to take great chances to win big rewards. Psychologists often mention the sense of control that surviving a erous situation can impart. There is a great payoff for some people in facing adversity and overcoming it through superior strength and preparation. By this schema (模式), a risk-taker is not someone who recklessly seeks trouble but someone who carefully matches himself or herself against a worthy challenge. This image fits such extreme athletes as mountain-climbers or skydivers, who spend a great deal of time preparing for a erous ascent or a challenging jump. It does not, however, fit the ager who recklessly speeds down a highway or the inexperienced skier who decides to take on a black-diamond slope. What explains risk-taking of this sort, which is probably best characterised as impulsive behaviour Psychologists in the Freudian mold would bring up the concept of a "death wish," a deep-seated impulse to flirt with personal annihilation (灭绝). Physiologists pose several more-convincing possibilities. The tendency to be a risk-seeker depends, in this view, on factors such as one’s brain development or one’s receptivity to common brain chemicals. For example, studies of electrical patterns in the brain have shown that agers, as opposed to pres and s, exhibit more activities in the reward centres of their brains than in the planning centres. Furthermore, these reward centres are most active when the rewards appear unpredictably. This focus on instant rewards and on novelty offers a recipe for impulsive risk-taking in hopes of a chance pay-out. Another possible factor is an enzyme called monoamine oxidase (MAO). It helps control the levels of dopamine and other chemicals in the brain so that someone whose body produces abnormally little MAO is likely to have imbalances of such chemicals in the brain. By testing individuals with a tendency toward risky behaviour, researchers have established a strong correlation between low levels of MAO and living erously. Why do only some of us become risk-seekers Firstly, social rewards are high for risk-takers who (71) . The risk-seekers may simply be a very (72) person willing to take great chances to gain big rewards. Secondly, there is a great payoff for some people in facing adversity and overcoming it through great (73) . The third factor is a death wish. The tendency to be a risk-seeker depends, in the Freudian mold, on factors such as one’s brain development or one’s receptivity to common brain chemicals. agers have been shown to exhibit more activities in the (74) of one’s brains than in the planning centres. The last possible factor is MAO, which helps control the levels of dopamine and other chemicals in the brain so that someone whose body produces low levels of MAO is likely to have imbalances of such chemicals in the brain. (75) between low levels of MAO and living erously has been established.




【单选题】Many people feel that human beings are responsible for the disappearance of some other animal species. While we may have hastened the disappearance of some, abundant evidence suggests mankind has had ...

Human beings have hastened the disappearance of some.
There was mass extinction long before humanity's time on Earth.
Human beings'activities have had great impact on the earth.
Many species have extinct since the human race came into being.

【单选题】下面哪项不是LTE下行物理信道模式?( )
