Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using the structure “too... to.” 1) When she heard the news, she______that night. (感到太高兴了以至于无法入睡) 2) I think this problem is______. (太复杂了,几小时内难以解决) 3) TV makes you lazy — most people become______to go to the cinema. (太懒而不想花力气) 4) ______ if at journey’s end the traveler can see someone he has loved all his life. (没有什么地方是远得去不了的) 5) It is______ . You should have told me your opinion yesterday. (现在太迟了,一切都无法改变) 6) For Jessie, this sudden turn of s______. (显得太好了,令人难以置信)