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I am Paul Black. I'm an English boy. And I'm 13. I'm in China with my parents. 1_His name is
Guo Qiang.On weekends I often watch TV with him.My favorite movie star is Jackie Chan. He is a
great actor.His movie The Forbidden Kingdom (功夫之王)is successful.2I think it's great.But Guo
Qiang likes Liang Chaowei.He likes the movie Red Cliff(赤壁). Liang Chaowei is in it. It's an action
movie,too, He likes it very much.3Guo Qiang also likes comedies.He often tells me,'Comedies are
really fun!'4 And he wants to be an actor.
A. It's an action movie.
B. My brother Mike likes them, too.
C. But I don't like it,because I think it's borirg.
D. I have a good Chinese friend.

5. What kind of movies does Mike like?
A. Comedies.
B. Thrillers.
C. Action movies.
