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【单选题】What did Bethany want to do before the accident() A. Become a professional surfer. B. Become the best teenager surfer. C. Win the national surfing competition. D. Win the women’s world championship.

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
On the morning of 31 October,2003,Bethany Hamilton decided to go surfing with some friends in Hawaii.The sky was clear,the sun was shining and it was a perfect day for surfing.
The 13-year-old surfing star was lying on her surfboard about 300 metres from the beach.She was waiting for the next big wave,and her arms were hanging in the clear,blue water. (30)Suddenly a five.metre tiger shark bit her 1eft arm and shook her backwards and forwards.Bethany held onto her board and the shark eventually swam away--but it took her arm with it.Luckily it attacked only once.It happened so fast that Bethany didn’t even scream.
(31)Bethany was one of the best teenage surfers in the world,and was planning to become a professional surfer.Her friends didn’t see the attack,and as Bethany started swimming back to the beach with one arm,they thought at first that she was joking.Then they saw the blood and quickly came to help.
(32)The really incredible thing about Bethany is that only ten weeks later she was surfing again in a competition.Less than a year after the accident she won first place in a surfing competition in Hawaii.Before the accident a lot of professional surfers thought that Bethany was going to be the women’s world champion.Very few of them have changed their opinion.

【单选题】A. There are different kinds of folders. B. This decision requires careful thought. C. It doesn’t matter which color she uses. D. The color should suggest the content.

W: I don’t know which color folder to use,white or brown
M: What difference does it make It’s the content that’s important.
Q: What does the man mean()

【单选题】What does the speaker suggest you do when you have problems expressing your feelings() A. Write it down on paper. . Examine it in your head. C. Recall a similar experience. D. Turn to a counsellor for...

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
(33)Sometimes the hardest thing about feelings is sharing them with others.But sharing your feelings helps you feel better and also helps you to get closer to people who are important to you.
Before you can share them with anyone,you have to understand what feelings you have.Making a list of your feelings can help.You can do this in your head or by writing it out on a piece of paper.It’s sometimes difficult to define a feeling and its cause.In this case,it might help to remember how you felt on a specific occasion,for example。“I was upset when my friends went to the cinema without me.”
Keeping your feelings to yourself can make you feel worse.(34)If you talk to someone who cares for you,like your parents,you will almost always start to feel better.It doesn’t mean your problems will magically disappear,but at least someone else knows what the problem is and can help you find solutions. If you don’t want to talk to your parents,then try talking to a relative or a counsellor at sch001.Maybe they can help you find a way to talk to your parents about your problems. Once you know who you can talk to,choose a time and place to talk. (35)If you think you’ll have trouble saying what you’re thinking,write it down on a piece of paper.If the person doesn’t understand what you mean,try giving an example of what’s concerning you.

【单选题】What do we learn from the study of the 4,512 Scottish men() A. Those who watched more TV were sure to suffer heart disease. B. People sitting more have higher risk of heart disease. C. People are more...

Many of us sit in front of a computer for eight hours a day,and then go home and head for the couch to surf the Web or watch television,exchanging one seat and screen for another. Even if we try to squeeze in an hour at the gym, is it enough to counteract all that motionless sitting
A mounting body of evidence suggests not. The latest findings, published this week indicate that the amount of leisure time spent sitting in front of a screen can have such an overwhelming, seemingly irreparable impact on one’s health that physical activity doesn’t produce much benefit.
The study followed 4,512 middle-aged Scottish men for a little more than four years on average. It found that those who said they spent two or more leisure hours a day sitting in front of a screen were at double the risk of a heart attack or other cardiac event compared with those who watched less. Those who spent four or more hours of recreational time in front of a screen were 50 percent more likely to die of any cause. It didn’t matter whether the men were physically active for several hours a week--exercise didn’t lessen the risk associated with the high amount of sedentary screen time. A study last year found that men who spent more than 23 hours a week watching TV and sitting in their cars were more likely to die of heart disease than those who sat for 11 hours a week or less,even if they exercised.
One possible mechanism, demonstrated in animal studies, is that being sedentary may affect lipid metabolism (油脂代谢). Prolonged inactivity appears to sharply reduce the activity of an important enzyme (酶) called lipoprotein lipaseo which is responsible for breaking down circulating blood lipids and making them available to muscles for energy, Dr. Stamatakis said. Exercise has very little impact on the enzyme’s activity, he said. Extended sitting may also lead to high levels of low-grade inflammation (炎症) ,which can also lead to heart disease,Dr. Stamatakis said. The study focused on recreational screen time because it’s the easiest to cut down,Dr. Stamatakis said. But he encouraged employees who work at computers all day to get up and take breaks and short walks periodically.

