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Close Test Fast or Slow Food The United States is famous for 1 fast food. A lot of people don’t have 2 time to shop and cook and clean up after a meal. Today, fast food is really cheap and it is popular 3 young people everywhere –not only in the United States but also around 4 world. Now, however, there is a group of people who would like to see us stop eating 5 fast food. These people are the members of the Slow Food Movement. The Slow Food Movement started in Italy 6 1986. it was started by Carlo Petreni, a food critic( 评论家 ) who later owned a restaurant. He and his friends wanted to encourage 7 to slow down and learn to 8 and enjoy good food again. They began by meeting in small groups to dinner. They also began to encourage more local 9 to go back to the old ways of growing food and caring ofr farm animals. They felt the food that was raised in old ways tasted 10 .
