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 Mike, one of the most beloved baseball players, was determined 1 a successful career off the field 2 his retirement .He devoted himself to a business ranging 3 a daycare of a hair salon to a media company .He was once dedicated 4 acting .He once ran 5 the Congress and he has even 6 a book and 7 the minister. 8 the school football team was the fastest opportunity 9 to him when the Christian school approached him after his 10 .Friends and family members advised him 11 taking the job, but getting back to the football field is 12 helped him find his value. 13 a defensive back( 后卫 ) ,he was known 14 his leadership , charisma( 感召力 ) , and determination. The experience has 15 him a lot in the business world. The lessons he has learnt from the field has pred him 16 the similar mistakes in business, such 17 trusting the advisors 18 much and not researching before jumping into business. “ I have got experiences , ”he said during a recent interview, “ that is not 19 memorable ,but also 20 . ”
