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Traditionally, the American farmer has always been independent and hard-working. In the eighth century farmers were quite self-sufficient.The farm family grew and made almost nothing it needed. The surplus crop 【M1】______would be sold to buy a few items in the local general store. In 1860, because some of the farm population had moved to the city, 【M2】______yet eighty percent of the American population was still in the country. Inthe late nine century, farm work and life were not much changed 【M3】______from that they had been in the old days. The farmer arose at dawn or 【M4】______before and had much work to do, with his own muscles like his chief 【M5】______source of power. He used axes, spades and other complicated tools. 【M6】______In his house cooking was done in wood-burning stoves, and the kerosene lamp was the only improvement on the candle. The family’srecreation and social life chiefly consisted a drive in the wagon to the 【M7】______nearby small town or village to transact some business as well as to chat with neighbors who had also come to town. The children attendeda small elementary school(often of just one room)to that they had to 【M8】______walk every day, possibly for a few miles. The school term was short so 【M9】______that the children could not help on the farm. 【M10】______ Although the whole family worked, and life was not easy, farmers as a class were self-reliant and independent.Traditionally, the American farmer has always been independent and hard-working. In the eighth century farmers were quite self-sufficient.The farm family grew and made almost nothing it needed. The surplus crop 【M1】______would be sold to buy a few items in the local general store. In 1860, because some of the farm population had moved to the city, 【M2】______yet eighty percent of the American population was still in the country. Inthe late nine century, farm work and life were not much changed 【M3】______from that they had been in the old days. The farmer arose at dawn or 【M4】______before and had much work to do, with his own muscles like his chief 【M5】______source of power. He used axes, spades and other complicated tools. 【M6】______In his house cooking was done in wood-burning stoves, and the kerosene lamp was the only improvement on the candle. The family’srecreation and social life chiefly consisted a drive in the wagon to the 【M7】______nearby small town or village to transact some business as well as to chat with neighbors who had also come to town. The children attendeda small elementary school(often of just one room)to that they had to 【M8】______walk every day, possibly for a few miles. The school term was short so 【M9】______that the children could not help on the farm. 【M10】______ Although the whole family worked, and life was not easy, farmers as a class were self-reliant and independent.Water for Life
Water is essential for life. Yet many millions of people around the world face a water【C1】______(short). Many millions of children die every year from water-borne【C2】di______and drought regularly afflicts some of the world’s poorest countries. The world needs to respond【C3】______more effectively. We need to increase water efficiency, especially in agriculture. We need to free women and girls from the daily chore of【C4】______(get)water, often from great distances. We must involve them in a decision about water management. We need to make sanitation a priority. This is 【C5】______progress is lagging(滞后)most. We must also show that water resources need not be a source of conflict.【C6】Ins______, they should be a catalyst(催化剂)for cooperation. Significant gains have been made, but a major【C7】ef______ is still required. That is why this year marks the beginning of the "Water for Life" Decade. Our【C8】g______is to meet the internationally agreed targets for water and sanitation by 2015, and to build a foundation for【C9】fur______progress in the years ahead. This is an urgent matter affecting human【C10】______(develop), and human dignity.Stereotypes are troublesome because they are often indiscriminate, exhibit an allness orientation , and can produce frozen evaluations. Considering the pervasiveness of stereotyping in our society , one should not take it lightly. When we stereotype we define a person and this definition, superficial at best, can be quite powerful. To stereotype is to define and to define is to control, especially if the definition is widely accepted regardless of its accuracy. In a male dominated society women may be stereotyped as empty-headed and illogical. The fact that the stereotype has persisted for years manifests the control men have over women, control that excludes women from executive positions and relegates them to mindless housekeeping duties. Women’s liberation is fundamentally the struggle to define, to reject male stereotypes of females. Stereotypes are sometimes seductive, however. When women are told repeatedly that they are stupid, they may begin believing it. A self-fulfilling prophecy may develop. Low self-esteem produced from male definitions of women as unintelt can lead to poor performance and the consequent belief that the stereotype has merit. The stereotype is thus nurtured and perpetuated. Stereotyping can thus control, insidiously imprisoning its victims in constraining roles. So whole stereotyping isn’t intrinsically evil. Most stereotypes lack empirical foundations and are assertions of power and dominance over less powerful groups. Reduced to an abstraction, victims of stereotyping must struggle to define themselves or be content to accept roles others have carved out for them. It is little wonder our society has been experiencing turmoil.Questions 71—75Complete the summary with a maximum of two words from the passage, changing the form where necessary. We can see that stereotypes are erous because they are indiscriminate, are inclined toward【R1】______, and give a frozen evaluation. They also define and【R2】______people if the stereotypes are widely accepted. Women, for example, have to【R3】______to reject men’s stereotypes of females. Sometimes stereotypes are seductive. People believe these images, so they become【R4】______. An image can control its victims, imprisoning them in roles. Even most stereotypes aren’t true, victims of stereotyping must struggle to【R5】______or accept the bad image others have made up.Water for Life
Water is essential for life. Yet many millions of people around the world face a water【C1】______(short). Many millions of children die every year from water-borne【C2】di______and drought regularly afflicts some of the world’s poorest countries. The world needs to respond【C3】______more effectively. We need to increase water efficiency, especially in agriculture. We need to free women and girls from the daily chore of【C4】______(get)water, often from great distances. We must involve them in a decision about water management. We need to make sanitation a priority. This is 【C5】______progress is lagging(滞后)most. We must also show that water resources need not be a source of conflict.【C6】Ins______, they should be a catalyst(催化剂)for cooperation. Significant gains have been made, but a major【C7】ef______ is still required. That is why this year marks the beginning of the "Water for Life" Decade. Our【C8】g______is to meet the internationally agreed targets for water and sanitation by 2015, and to build a foundation for【C9】fur______progress in the years ahead. This is an urgent matter affecting human【C10】______(develop), and human dignity.Traditionally, the American farmer has always been independent and hard-working. In the eighth century farmers were quite self-sufficient.The farm family grew and made almost nothing it needed. The surplus crop 【M1】______would be sold to buy a few items in the local general store. In 1860, because some of the farm population had moved to the city, 【M2】______yet eighty percent of the American population was still in the country. Inthe late nine century, farm work and life were not much changed 【M3】______from that they had been in the old days. The farmer arose at dawn or 【M4】______before and had much work to do, with his own muscles like his chief 【M5】______source of power. He used axes, spades and other complicated tools. 【M6】______In his house cooking was done in wood-burning stoves, and the kerosene lamp was the only improvement on the candle. The family’srecreation and social life chiefly consisted a drive in the wagon to the 【M7】______nearby small town or village to transact some business as well as to chat with neighbors who had also come to town. The children attendeda small elementary school(often of just one room)to that they had to 【M8】______walk every day, possibly for a few miles. The school term was short so 【M9】______that the children could not help on the farm. 【M10】______ Although the whole family worked, and life was not easy, farmers as a class were self-reliant and independent.Traditionally, the American farmer has always been independent and hard-working. In the eighth century farmers were quite self-sufficient.The farm family grew and made almost nothing it needed. The surplus crop 【M1】______would be sold to buy a few items in the local general store. In 1860, because some of the farm population had moved to the city, 【M2】______yet eighty percent of the American population was still in the country. Inthe late nine century, farm work and life were not much changed 【M3】______from that they had been in the old days. The farmer arose at dawn or 【M4】______before and had much work to do, with his own muscles like his chief 【M5】______source of power. He used axes, spades and other complicated tools. 【M6】______In his house cooking was done in wood-burning stoves, and the kerosene lamp was the only improvement on the candle. The family’srecreation and social life chiefly consisted a drive in the wagon to the 【M7】______nearby small town or village to transact some business as well as to chat with neighbors who had also come to town. The children attendeda small elementary school(often of just one room)to that they had to 【M8】______walk every day, possibly for a few miles. The school term was short so 【M9】______that the children could not help on the farm. 【M10】______ Although the whole family worked, and life was not easy, farmers as a class were self-reliant and independent.Stereotypes are troublesome because they are often indiscriminate, exhibit an allness orientation , and can produce frozen evaluations. Considering the pervasiveness of stereotyping in our society , one should not take it lightly. When we stereotype we define a person and this definition, superficial at best, can be quite powerful. To stereotype is to define and to define is to control, especially if the definition is widely accepted regardless of its accuracy. In a male dominated society women may be stereotyped as empty-headed and illogical. The fact that the stereotype has persisted for years manifests the control men have over women, control that excludes women from executive positions and relegates them to mindless housekeeping duties. Women’s liberation is fundamentally the struggle to define, to reject male stereotypes of females. Stereotypes are sometimes seductive, however. When women are told repeatedly that they are stupid, they may begin believing it. A self-fulfilling prophecy may develop. Low self-esteem produced from male definitions of women as unintelt can lead to poor performance and the consequent belief that the stereotype has merit. The stereotype is thus nurtured and perpetuated. Stereotyping can thus control, insidiously imprisoning its victims in constraining roles. So whole stereotyping isn’t intrinsically evil. Most stereotypes lack empirical foundations and are assertions of power and dominance over less powerful groups. Reduced to an abstraction, victims of stereotyping must struggle to define themselves or be content to accept roles others have carved out for them. It is little wonder our society has been experiencing turmoil.Questions 71—75Complete the summary with a maximum of two words from the passage, changing the form where necessary. We can see that stereotypes are erous because they are indiscriminate, are inclined toward【R1】______, and give a frozen evaluation. They also define and【R2】______people if the stereotypes are widely accepted. Women, for example, have to【R3】______to reject men’s stereotypes of females. Sometimes stereotypes are seductive. People believe these images, so they become【R4】______. An image can control its victims, imprisoning them in roles. Even most stereotypes aren’t true, victims of stereotyping must struggle to【R5】______or accept the bad image others have made up.Water for Life
Water is essential for life. Yet many millions of people around the world face a water【C1】______(short). Many millions of children die every year from water-borne【C2】di______and drought regularly afflicts some of the world’s poorest countries. The world needs to respond【C3】______more effectively. We need to increase water efficiency, especially in agriculture. We need to free women and girls from the daily chore of【C4】______(get)water, often from great distances. We must involve them in a decision about water management. We need to make sanitation a priority. This is 【C5】______progress is lagging(滞后)most. We must also show that water resources need not be a source of conflict.【C6】Ins______, they should be a catalyst(催化剂)for cooperation. Significant gains have been made, but a major【C7】ef______ is still required. That is why this year marks the beginning of the "Water for Life" Decade. Our【C8】g______is to meet the internationally agreed targets for water and sanitation by 2015, and to build a foundation for【C9】fur______progress in the years ahead. This is an urgent matter affecting human【C10】______(develop), and human dignity.Traditionally, the American farmer has always been independent and hard-working. In the eighth century farmers were quite self-sufficient.The farm family grew and made almost nothing it needed. The surplus crop 【M1】______would be sold to buy a few items in the local general store. In 1860, because some of the farm population had moved to the city, 【M2】______yet eighty percent of the American population was still in the country. Inthe late nine century, farm work and life were not much changed 【M3】______from that they had been in the old days. The farmer arose at dawn or 【M4】______before and had much work to do, with his own muscles like his chief 【M5】______source of power. He used axes, spades and other complicated tools. 【M6】______In his house cooking was done in wood-burning stoves, and the kerosene lamp was the only improvement on the candle. The family’srecreation and social life chiefly consisted a drive in the wagon to the 【M7】______nearby small town or village to transact some business as well as to chat with neighbors who had also come to town. The children attendeda small elementary school(often of just one room)to that they had to 【M8】______walk every day, possibly for a few miles. The school term was short so 【M9】______that the children could not help on the farm. 【M10】______ Although the whole family worked, and life was not easy, farmers as a class were self-reliant and independent.






