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请先完成章节4.13的内容 On the first of January, new regulations will come into effect which ___1___ an annual leave bonus for people who ___2_____ marr ying until the age of 23 for women and 25 for men ( 取消晚婚假 ) , the South China M orning P ost reports. The holiday bonus was desig ned to encourage young people to __3___ getting married, in lines with China's one-child policy, but with the policy now be ing ___4__ ( 废除) , this holiday incentive is no longer necessary. The government says. In shanghai, the young couple at the marriage registration office told the paper that they decided to register their marriage as soon as possible to____5____ of the existing policy b ecause an extra holiday was a big deal for them. In Beijing, one registration office had about 300 couples seeking to get married the day after the changes were ____6___(宣布) , r ather than the usual number of between 70 and 80 . B ut one lawyer tells the paper the changes still have to be adopted by local governments and these procedures take time, so people who are rushing to register for marriage can relax.
