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There is nothing illogical or synthetic about the humility of great bookmen in calling attention to the lirnitations of the book.No book can (62) us to knOW everything that is to be known, or feel everything that is to be felt.A book is part of life, not a substitute (63) it.It is not a fit () for worship or enshrinement.It loses its charm and much of its value when accepted (65) .No one would have been more (66) than Aristotle if he could have known of the excessive and (67) veneration(尊敬, 崇拜)that would be given to his ideas in centuries to (68) . When his works became the (69) words of advance knowledge, (70) knowledge became neither advanced nor vital.
The particular occasion for these remarks is that there are (71) here and there that some of US in the book would may be (72) ourselves too seriously.In the effort to increase book reading some (73) things are being said about books.It is made to (74) ,that nothing is happening now that has not happened before, and that the only tree approach to understanding is (75) books.We do neither service nor justice to books by (76) upon them such omnipotence(全能)and omniscience (全知).Many of the answers we need today are necessarily to be found between (77) .There are elements of newness in the present (78) of man that will not readily be (79) of by required reading or ready reference.
Books are not slide rules or blueprints for (80) automatic answers.What is needed is a mighty blend of the wisdom of the ages (81) flesh, razor-edge ytical thought.


【单选题】Rarely has there been as neat a fit between a book"s subject and its author"s biography as in "Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers, and Warriors Shaped Globalization" by Nayan Chanda. ...

Our world is not going to stop becoming smaller and smaller.
People should take the effects of globalization as granted.
It will be beneficial for all to get connected as closely as ever.
Groups rather than individuals will profit a lot from globalization.

【单选题】William Appleton, author of a recent book entitled Fathers and Daughters, believes that it is a woman’s relationship with her father (67) decides how successful she will be in her (68) life. Accord...

And the final stage comes (77) a woman reaches the age of about thirty. At this time the daughter sees her father not as a hero (78) as a fool, but learns to accept him (79) he is, for better or worse. And Daddy forgives her, too, for not being the (80) little girl he had once hoped for.
But not all daughters go through all three stages, and it is here that the key to a woman’s career (81) .Those girls who never get past the first "oasis of smiles" stage, (82) all their lives seek out their fathers’ love and approval, will never (83) in the business world. They will remain at the secretarial (秘书的) (84) all their lives.
It is only those women who get to the final stage, those who (85) and accept Daddy’s faults, who can even hope to be (86) enough and independent enough to become a candidate for top- management.

【单选题】William Appleton, author of a recent book entitled Fathers and Daughters, believes that it is a woman’s relationship with her father (67) decides how successful she will be in her (68) life. Accord...

And the final stage comes (77) a woman reaches the age of about thirty. At this time the daughter sees her father not as a hero (78) as a fool, but learns to accept him (79) he is, for better or worse. And Daddy forgives her, too, for not being the (80) little girl he had once hoped for.
But not all daughters go through all three stages, and it is here that the key to a woman’s career (81) .Those girls who never get past the first "oasis of smiles" stage, (82) all their lives seek out their fathers’ love and approval, will never (83) in the business world. They will remain at the secretarial (秘书的) (84) all their lives.
It is only those women who get to the final stage, those who (85) and accept Daddy’s faults, who can even hope to be (86) enough and independent enough to become a candidate for top- management.

