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One day Mozart, a great musician, saw an old man sitting in a street corner (角落) with a hat in front of him. The old man could see 41__________ because he was blind (瞎的). He was playing the violin. It was a beautiful piece 42__________ Mozart. But the hat was empty because no money was put into it. “Do you often 43________ Mozart’s music?” Mozart asked. “Yes, sir,” the old man answered. “Everyone knows Mozart and likes his music.” “ 44___________ do you live with?” Mozart asked again. “None,” the old man said sadly. “I’m 45_____and I have to make a living by playing the violin.” Mozart 46___________ over the violin from the old man and he, himself, began to play. He played so well that all the people passing by stopped 47___________ to the wonderful music and soon the man’s hat was full of 48___________ . The old man was 49__________ and asked Mozart, “Who are you, sir?” “I’m a poor 50__________ like you,” Mozart said. 小题1:A. something         B. nothing        C. everything 小题2:A. by                 B. of            C. for 小题3:A. write              B. read           C. play 小题4:A. What               B. Which              C. Who 小题5:A. alone              B. lonely              C. lucky 小题6:A. looked              B. got             C. took 小题7:A. to listen            B. listening         C. to play 小题8:A. food                 B. money          C. paper 小题9:A. interested             B. worried        C. surprised 小题10:A. musician              B. singer             C. teacher
