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阅读理解。 Have you ever heard the song Auld Lang Syne (《友谊天长地久》或译《旧日逝去不再来》)?' Auld Lang Syne' means, in English,' old days gone by'. The music was an old Scottish tune. People in Britain usually sing this song on special occasions (时刻) , such as  New Year's Eve,when they gather either at home or in the local pubs, enjoying their whisky or beer. This song was originally written by Robert Burns (罗伯特?彭斯) in Scottish. Robert Burns was born at Alloway in 1759. He wrote about three hundred t raditional songs, both in the Scottish dialect (苏格兰方言) and in Standard English (标准英语). Burns' birthplace,a cottage, is now a museum. Scotsmen celebrate Burns' birthday on 25 January every year. 根据短文,选择正确答案。 1. The song Auld Lang Syne was originally written by Robert Burns in_____. A. Engli sh B. England C. Scottish 2. 'Auld Lang Syne' means,in English,'_____'. A. happy New Year B. happy birthday C. old days gone by 3. Robert Burns wrote three hundred traditional songs both in _____and in_____. A. Scottish dialect; Standard Scottish B. Scottish dialect; Standard English C. English dialect; Standard English 4. In the passage, 'museum' means '_____'. A. 养老院 B. 集合地 C. 博物馆 5. When is Robert Burns's birthday? A. On 25th December. B. On 25th January. C. On 23rd  January.
