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The Bush Administration appears determined to continue the war on drugs that has been actively (47) by all US governments since the Nixon Administration.
Defenders of the war on drugs often throw in an economic (48) . It has been (49) because it curtails (削减) use by raising street prices. It does this because suppliers have to be compensated for the risk of imprisonment and other punishments. It may be true that high prices have (50) the demand for drugs, but the fact remains that most illegal drugs remain popular and (51) , regardless of price. More important, any (52) in the number of addicts and other users has come with an enormous price label. The US alone spends almost $ 40 billion annually waging the drug war, and other countries also spend big sums.
The war is fought by seizing and destroying drugs and by apprehending and imprisoning suppliers. A (53) fact is that the US imprisons a larger fraction of its population for drug-related offenses than European nations do for all crimes.
The high prices due to the war have (54) huge profits for cartels and others who evade detection and punishment. Estimates place the world market value of illegal drugs at several hundred billions of dollars -- in the same league as the markets for cigarettes and alcohol.
Although legalization would make drugs cheaper and more (55) available, sales to minors could be discouraged by harsh punishments and by restricting (56) sales to fixed shops.
  • A) reducedI) compensated
  • B) disagreementJ) legal
  • C) depressing K) argument
  • D) pursued L) available
  • E) damaging M) speedily
  • F) reduction N) successful
  • G) provided O) illegal
  • H) easily


【多选题】公司成立后,下列行为符合法律规定的是( )。

在持有公司股本2 500万元的股东请求下,公司于2个月内召开临时股东大会,并将会议审议的事项于会议召开20日以前通知各股东,并就前款事项作出公告

【单选题】4() A. alike B. like C. as D. likely

It looks like a great big cigar, (1) it is really a dangerous saltwater fish called barracuda. This (2) fish has a narrow body which grows to be from four to six feet long. However it may reach ten feet in (3) ! The barracuda looks very much (4) the pike, a freshwater fish.
Although the barracuda is not related (5) the pike, it is like that freshwater fish in being a fearless fighter. The barracuda has a large mouth and strong jaws that hold knifelike (6) . When attacking or defending (7) the barracuda moves like lightning. It usually feeds on other fish. But it has been known to (8) swimmers. No wonder it is called "the tiger of the sea" !
The barracuda is usually found in warm, tropical seas or (9) . The most dangerous kind, the great barracuda, is found off the (10) of Florida, Bermuda, and the West Indies. (11) caught for food live in the warm waters off the coast of California and Australia.
To (12) its enemies, the barracuda can camouflage itself. It does this by taking on the color of its (13) . Its back changes from light brownish green (14) deep blue, its sides sparkle with silvery tones, and its belly is chalky white. The barracuda’s tail and fins may be greenish yellow or gray.
Bright eyes flash as it roams the (15) . When it rests on the sandy ocean floor, it becomes ahnost (16) as long as it stays quite still. Even when it prowls around a coral reef, it is difficult to spot, even in (17) water. People who (18) for sport try to excite the barracuda to move by tying a long, white rag behind their moving boat. However, they are often (19) . But they never give up trying to trick "the (20) of the sea