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Molecular gastronomy is changing the way many chefs cook ( ) at the present time. Chefs now experiment with unusual combinations of food or ingredients like caviar and chocolate. ( ) An important in this new way of cooking occurred when Herve This and Nicholas Kurti began workshops bringing together food experts. Chefs began looking at senses other than taste. Chefs also started to experiment with recipes. They changed the form of well-known or favorite dishes. For example, something that was once a soup might be ( ) altered to become a sandwich. One of the ( ) very important benefits of this new approach is the delicious and surprising taste of the new foods. Chefs are not the only ones excited by these new ideas. Many customers are excited as well, and this has ( ) caused in part new restaurants and a new way of looking at food. In addition, molecular gastronomy has ( ) mainly responsible for new kitchen tools. Chefs have ( ) moved from using regular kitchen utensils to using technology that can freeze food quickly and cook food slowly.
