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Issues in dialect usually stem from the debate over what people view as
Standard American English and what they do not view as Standard American
English. Although people come from different backgrounds and have had 41. ______
different experiences, which becomes a particular problem for communication. 42. ______
Issues arise that confronts people every day in all jobs and in most dealings 43. ______
with other people.
According to Walt Wolfram and Donna Christian’s Dialects and Education,
the term dialect it has several "popular" meanings that stem from the 44. ______
technical definition of dialect. Often people infer to dialect when talking 45. ______
about the way people from certain regions or certainly social groups speak. 46. ______
While this is part of it, it is the entire definition. Other times people 47. ______
refer to people who are speaking different languages as speaking dialects.
For example, someone may say, "The Native Americans from North and
South America speak many different dialects," when in fact, they are speaking
different languages.
No matter what job you have, deal with dialectal differences is something 48. ______
that you will face. Working at McDonald’s presents cashier with several 49. ______
problems during any given shift. McDonald’s cashiers, educators, and TV
and newspaper reporters all encounter with dialect. Similarly, the rest of the 50. ______
country has to deal with the cashier, the teacher, and the reporters.


【单选题】The domain .name ". edu" is operated by() A. the US government. B. the company Network Solutions. C. Internet Council of Registrars. D. both A and B.

The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself
Companies are paying up to $10,000 to register a domain name on the Internet even though there is no guarantee that they will get the name they want.
The task of registering domains ending in. com, org, .edu and. net is at present contracted out by the US government to the Virginia-based company Network Solutions. The contract runs out this year, and the government wants to bring in a different scheme.
But last year, an ad hoc committee of the Internet’s great and good revealed its own plan. This involved setting up seven new domains, each indicating the kind of business or organisation using that name. The committee recruited 88 companies around the world to act as registrars for its firm, . shop, . web, . arts, . rec, . info and. nom domains. The US government has still to give the system its blessing, and may yet push ahead with its original scheme. Despite this, the 88 registrars have been taking applications for several months. They are due to start registering names this month with the Internet Council of Registrars, which grew out of the ad hoc committee.
To prevent conflicting names from being registered, the council will take one name from each registrar in mm before going back for the second name in their queues, and so on. This has led to a flourishing trade, with companies trying to buy a place near the head of the queue. Global Names of Singapore is charging $10,000 to make sure a request for a name is the first one it sends off to the central database. Other registrars are charging nonrefundable deposits for places at the top of the queue. David Maher, chairman of the Policy Oversight Committee that is helping to set up and oversee the system, says that all registrars are subject to local laws regarding consumer protection and competition. But he says that the committee "will not act as an enforcement body in this area.\

【单选题】1() A.responsibility B.commitment C.commission D.dedication

A manager hoping to blossom as a business leader must develop the skill to communicate effectively. One of the foremost tasks of a leader is to create (1) to a cause. To do that he must first communicate to build mutual understanding.
(2) a manager communicates mostly to (3) information, a leader uses communications to build relationships. A manager overwhelms others with details and still (4) them cold. A leader (5) their hearts by combining his vision with their (6) in a common cause.
Most Asian business leaders are instinctively (7) relationship building (8) direct communications. But they don’t use the mass media so well. While face to face communications is (9) , it’s not enough in today’s big business.
(10) their western (11) , they are not so much frightened by mass media’s potential to magnify, distort, and expose. The problem lies more in the (12) of professional support (13) to them. In most Asian companies the public affairs function either does not exist or is (14) routine chores removed from helping the CEO to communicate with wide audiences. The reason primarily that the (15) communications officers are placed quite low in the organizational hierarchy.
Asia’s need for business leaders who are (16) in using mass media to involve the public (17) the economic development dream has never been greater. Television and the print media have an enormous (18) on the public perception of business. Our business leaders have not yet laced an unsympathetic press. They should start now (19) the day may not be too far away (20) they are suddenly forced to enter the perilous arena of public communications.

【单选题】The kites used by German U-boats in World War 1I for the military purpose were made of (). A. brown paper B. plastic material C. light-weight cloth D. traditional silk

Kite flying is the sport of sending up into the air, by means of the wind, a light frame covered with paper, plastic or doth. The frame can be one of many different shapes and is attached to a long string held in the hand or wound on a drum. Kites have a long history practical application and many different types of kite have been developed to serve various purposes.
The ancient Chinese used bird-kites to carry ropes across rivers and valleys. The current folding kite which will dive excitingly is an improved type of such a kite. With its long flat body and single pair of bird like wings, it looks just like a large bird in the air. The modern version is usually made of tissue paper rather than the traditional silk.
Man-lifting kites were developed in ancient times, again by the Chinese, for getting information from walled cities and army camps. In fact, as recently as World War Ⅱ, German U-boats flew kites from their towers to lift people into the air to watch the land. These kites, which are no longer in existence, were made of lightweight cloth. They were much larger and stronger than the Chinese ones. Their design, however, was simply that of the cutter kite. Smaller in size, this type of kite is still very popular as a toy for children, being easy to make with a diamond-shaped frame, no wings and brown-paper covering.
Box kites are another type of kite found in toy shops today. The first box kite, named for its box-like body, was developed in the 19th century to test theories of flight and this type of cotton-covered kite greatly assisted the success of early airplanes. These kites are the ancestors of a heavier version of the box kite, called the double box kite, which consists of two main sections, placed side by side. Developed for the peacetime purpose of fishing in strong sea wind, it is the only modern kite described which has practical value. A long-lasting plastic material has to be used for this kite, which carries fishing lines.