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从70后到00后:大学生入学神器“三件套”的变迁 College packing list across different generations 中国日报网 2018-09-06 08:53 近日,首批“00后”步入大学校门,此前各大电商网站上的新生入学装备早已进入持续火热的秒杀模式。“00后”们入学标配是什么?只有你不敢想,没有他们买不起。 作为伴随着电子产品与互联网长大的一代,“00后”的行李箱里都装的是满满的电子科技产品。据天猫开学季数据显示,平衡车、无人机、投影仪的“00后”下单比例最高,成为入学装备“新三样”。除此之外,带着智能音箱和VR眼镜等黑科技去上大学的童鞋们比比皆是。 第一批“00后”上大学在网上也引发了“70后”、“80后”、“90后”的集体“回忆杀”。从上世纪七十年代末至今,随着人们物质条件的提高,准大学生的行囊悄然变化。 看看不同年代大学生的入学“三件套”。 70年代:被子、脸盆、搪瓷缸 The college packing list in the 1970s was as as the unsophisticated students of that era. A couple of books, a bed quilt, an enamel pot, a thermos flask, a ragged jacket and patched trousers nearly constituted an all-inclusive checklist. 上世纪70年代大学生的行囊就和那个年代的学生一样质朴。几本书、一床被子、一个搪瓷缸、一个暖水壶、一件破旧的外套、一条打着补丁的裤子,几乎凑齐了一个大学生所有的入学行囊。 80年代:从的确良衬衫、毛衣、暖水壶到钢笔、收音机、手表 Students in the 1980s were known as "the chosen ones" since only 10 percent of college-aged individuals could claw their way to higher education. 80年代的大学生被称为“天之骄子”,因为那个时候,适龄青年中只有10%的人能够进入高等学府。 Due to the material scarcity of that age, students preferred to bring useful and practical items. White dacron shirts, hand-knit sweaters, thermos flasks, sturdy backpacks and books were universally standardized on campuses. 那时候物资相对匮乏,大学生的入学装备也比较实用,的确良白衬衫、手织的毛衣、暖水壶、结实的背包和书是他们的标配。 Scientific inventions like radios and watches did not make an appearance in school dormitories until the mid-to-late 1980s. 到了上世纪80年代中后期,大学校园才出现收音机和手表等科技产品的身影。 Generally, students from the 80s were very cost-conscious and very frugal. Therefore, they were reluctant to spare extra money for entertainment. 80年代的大学生一般都很节俭、精打细算,不舍得花钱娱乐。 Since audiotapes and English books were not easily accessible at that time, students who were fortunate enough to get one made full use of every single minute to improve their language skills. 那个年代,磁带和英文书籍很难得,有幸拥有的学生都会非常珍惜,充分利用它们来提高自己的英语水平。 90年代:CD机、随身听、BP机 Entering into the 1990s, the college packing list was upgraded to an unprecedented level. 进入90年代,大学生入学的“装备”提升到了前所未有的水平。 The CD player, DVD and even pagers flooded Chinese campuses, while mobile phones and computers were virtually nonexistent. CD机、DVD甚至寻呼机都慢慢在大学校园普及开来,不过,那时候几乎见不到手机和电脑的身影。 Life on campus was rather and monotonous due to the limited recreational facilities. Hence students poured their time into self-improvement instead of meaningless bragging and boasting. 由于消遣娱乐的项目很有限,大学生的校园生活相当简朴、单调。学生都专注于自我提升而不是毫无意义的吹嘘和炫耀。 2000年后:手机、电脑和相机等数码产品 Stepping into the new millennium, it is no surprise to see freshmen carrying MP3 players, mobile phones and computers on campuses. 进入新千年,大一新生带着MP3播放器、手机、电脑等“装备”入学已经不足为奇。 With the upsurge in fashionable electronic devices and the emergence of smartphones, items on the packing list have become increasingly extravagant and valuable. 随着各种时尚电子产品和智能手机的涌现,大学生行囊中的装备也变得越发奢侈和昂贵。 Although more choices became available to college students to amuse themselves and vent academic pressure, it is frustrating to discover that a materialistic competitive spirit is irreversible on campuses. 尽管供大学生消遣和排解学业压力的娱乐方式越来越多,但是令人沮丧的是,大学校园中的攀比之风也日益兴盛。 和现在的大学生装备相比,过去的“三件套”确实土得掉渣,但这也从侧面反映了改革开放四十年来科技的发展和人民生活水平的提高。 请找出文中相对应的表达(或者个人的见解) 1、大学行囊 2、天之骄子 3、节俭 4、专注 5、攀比之风


【单选题】社会保障制度是指在政府的管理之下,按照一定的法律和规定,通过国民收入的再分配,以社会保障基金为依托,为保障人民生活提供物质帮助和服务的社会安全制度。 下列属于社会保障制度范围内的一项是( )。
