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7.Act I of The Merchant of VeniceAntonio, an antisemitic merchant, takes a loan from the Jew Shylock to help his friend to court Portia. Antonio can't repay the loan, and without mercy, Shylock demands a pound of his flesh. The heiress Portia, now the wife of Antonio's friend, dresses as a lawyer and saves Antonio. In Venice, a merchant named Antonio worries that his ships are overdue. As his colleagues offer comfort, his young friends—Bassanio, Graziano, and Lorenzo—arrive. Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan, so that he can pursue the wealthy Portia, who lives in Belmont. Antonio cannot afford the loan. Instead, he sends Bassanio to borrow the money on the security of Antonio's expected shipments.At Belmont, Portia and her maid, Nerissa, discuss the suitors who have come in response to Portia's father's strange will. The will says Portia may only marry a man who chooses the correct casket made from three possible options: gold, silver, and lead. Much to Portia's distress, all her suitors are unsatisfactory. However, she does fondly remember a time when Bassanio came to Belmont, and that leaves her with some hope. Bassanio approaches Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, about the loan. Shylock holds a grudge against Antonio for his lending practices and apparent antisemitism. Still he offers Bassanio the loan. Instead of charging interest, seemingly as a kind of joke, he asks for a pound of Antonio's flesh if the loan isn't repaid within three months. The bond is agreed to (who wouldn't agree to that?) and Bassanio prepares to leave for Belmont with his friend Graziano. Meanwhile, one of Shylock's servants, Launcelot, wishes to change s and persuades Bassanio to employ him. Shylock's daughter, Jessica, also longs to leave home. She wants to become a Christian and marry Antonio's friend Lorenzo. Before he departs to serve his new , Launcelot takes a letter to Lorenzo that contains plans for Lorenzo and Jessica to elope that night. When Shylock goes out, Jessica escapes to elope, taking gold and jewels with her. The following day, Bassanio sets sail for Belmont, while Shylock rages over the loss of his daughter and the treasures she has stolen. In Belmont, one of Portia’s suitors (the Prince of Morocco) chooses the golden casket, while another (the Prince of Aragon) selects silver. Both chose the wrong casket and are unsuccessful. As Aragon leaves, Bassanio is announced. Portia eagerly goes to greet him. 13.Which one is not the possible option for the correct casket in paragraph 3?


【单选题】8. Oxford, City of Dreaming SpiresOxford is the county town of Oxfordshire and famous worldwide for its prestigious university, the oldest in the English-speaking world. In his poem ‘Thyrsis’ the Vic...

Visitors are allowed to look around the University of Oxford.
The Radcliffe Camera is a well-known camera.
Some scenes from the Harry Potter films were shot at Oxford University.
The University of Oxford is the oldest in the English-speaking world.

【单选题】5. The first migrants to North AmericaWithin the span of a hundred years, in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, a tide of emigration—one of the great folk wanderings of history—swept from...

Because of the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another.
Because of the huge difficulty of following old-world ways in new land.
Because of the force of geographic conditions.
All of the A, B and C.

【单选题】3. History of the Solar CalendarA Solar Calendar is a way of measuring and recording periods of time.It takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun. With the help of the solar calendar, we can predi...

Comparatively, a solar calendar will shift very quickly.
There is an additional day during solar year.
In a Lunar calendar, there are 384 days.
There are 365 days in a solar calendar year.