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One day last summer, my five-year-old son Parker and I decided to go fishing.
Parker had fished before, but hadn't yet1 the same hobby as me. We'd go to a farm pond, throw
Parker's2 into the water, and in about three seconds the bobber (浮子) would go under and Parker
would get a three-inch fish. Parker3 all that a great and exciting adventure. Then he was off, throwing
rocks in the water, looking for frogs, picking flowers for his mom and generally4 this whole process of
So on this particular day, I decided to teach Parker a5. I had thought Parker could catch no more
than a couple. But I6 wrong. No more than two hours, Parker7 almost ten.
'Wow!' Parker said, 'I bet mom won't8 I caught so many.'
'She might,' I answered, 'Now be quiet and try to catch another one.'
Parker tried, but he couldn't keep his9 off those already in the bucket(桶). I could tell that
something was beginning to10 him.
'Dad,' he said. 'We're taking these home to show mom, right?'
'Certainly,' I said. Parker concentrated11 his bobber for a moment.
'How are they going to stay12?' he asked.
I expected his question and congratulated myself for having a ready13.
'Well,' I began, trying to be as14 as possible, 'they aren't. I mean, we're going to clean them
when we get home.15 we can eat them, and they'll have to die then, right?'
'I guess so,' Parker replied.
He remained16 while he caught a couple more.
'I've got an idea,' Parker announced. 'Let's put them back in the17.'
'I'm with you,' I said,18 the fish free. We stood together and watched them swim lazily back into
the green19 of the water.
I had20 on teaching Parker a fishing lesson, but he turned the tables on me.
( )1.A. discovered
( )2.A. stick
( )3.A. realized
( )4.A. forgetting
( )5.A.
( )6.A. prepared
( )7.A. counted
( )8.A. believe
( )9.A. seat
( )10.A. satisfy
( )11.A. to
( )12.A. fresh
( )13.A. test
( )14.A. polite
( )15.A. Next
( )16.A. silent
( )17.A. farm
( )18.A. allowing
( )19.A. depths
( )20.A. plannedB. developed
B. rock
B. recognized
B. avoiding
B. skill
B. guessed
B. picked
B. hope
B. intention
B. disappoint
B. at
B. calm
B. word
B. gentle
B. But
B. lazy
B. pond
B. leading
B. grasses
B. rewardedC. introduced
C. line
C. admitted
C. leaving
C. aim
C. doubted
C. caught
C. explain
C. patience
C. impress
C. for
C. alive
C. opinion
C. soon
C. So
C. curious
C. lake
C. setting
C. signs
C. raised D. changed
D. flower
D. considered
D. banning
D. lesson
D. desired
D. added
D. express
D. mind
D. bother
D. on
D. active
D. answer
D. sad
D. Or
D. enthusiastic
D. river
D. persuading
D. fields
D. pretended


【单选题】浮子电门的作用是( )
