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完形填空。 It amazed me-every time I saw Joe he was smiling. It didn't matter whether he had to 1 at a stop light,or if he were the sh person in 2 at the bank , and the teller closed her window just 3 he got there. Joealways smiled. It made me wonder why he always seemed so 4 . Having observed Joe with other people, I also noticed something else. Joe 5 people how they were doing, and really seemed to listen to their answers. He was 6 if someone was hurt , and had kind words, and 7 tohelp in any way he could. It made me think… what if I tried to smile more? An 8 of sorts began when I went to a grocery store. I 9 as I went up and down the aisles (过道)... and people I didn't even 10 smiled back at me. Some even 11 ! The little kid in the cart who was giving his mother a 12 time saw me smile and stopped talking…and, you guessed it-he made a little 13 attempt at a smile. The man in the handicapped cart 14 a person to reachsomething… I could get that for him. The smile even 15 to him, and he thanked me and smiled at me. As I 16 home, I was smiling. I thought about what I had just 17 , and when someone passed my car and gave me a gesture, I smiled at him. He looked 18 . Now I know a smile is a 19 thing, but what if we were all to try to smile a few more times each day? I couldn't believe how great I felt. 20 in my life had changed-but maybe it had. For what I learned was that such a small thing could lift not only my spirits, but those around me as well. ( )1. A. wait ( )2. A. advance ( )3. A. though ( )4. A. patient ( )5. A. asked ( )6. A. angry ( )7. A. agreed ( )8. A. example ( )9. A. sang ( )10. A. welcome ( )11. A. spoke ( )12. A. pleasant ( )13. A. weak ( )14. A. required ( )15. A. spread ( )16. A. learned ( )17. A. faced ( )18. A. scared ( )19. A. funny ( )20. A. Nothing B. suffer B. addition B. before B. active B. observed B. nervous B. offered B. experiment B. nodded B. greet B. laughed B. hard B. polite B. demanded B. approached B. drove B. paid B. disappointedB. worthy B. Everything C. look C. total C. while C. happy C. recorded C. fearful C. refused C. instance C. smiled C. recognize C. whispered C. smooth C. shy C. ordered C. advanced C. ran C. wasted C. puzzled C. valuable C. Something D. slide D. line D. because D. wise D. allowed D. sympathetic D. used D. arrangement D. talked D. know D. shouted D. good D. sincere D. nee ded D. reached D. moved D. sacrificed D. annoyed D. small D. Anything
