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Animals, too, communicate. If you try to catch a seagull, it will call out "Hahaha! Hahaha!" to signal its friends to watch out for an intruder (入侵者). Certain fish signal their presence by sending electric impulses from their muscles. But these signal systems differ in very fundamental ways from human communication.
First of all, our symbols are subjective. If you do not speak Chinese, you would not know what a gou is. Gou is the Chinese word for dog. There is no inherent connection between the word and the thing itself. The Spaniards, after all, call the same animal perro and the French call it chien. The meaning of a word is not determined by any inherent quality of the thing itself. It is instead subjective: a word may mean whatever a group of humans have agreed it is supposed to mean. On the other hand, animals are not free to produce different symbols subjectively to indicate the same thing. This is why, for example, all seagulls throughout the world make the same sound to indicate the presence of er.
Second, animal communication is a closed system, whereas human language is an open system. Each animal species can communicate only a limited set of messages, and the meaning of these signals is fixed. Animals can use only one signal at a time—they cannot combine two or more to produce a new and more complex message. A bird can signal "worms" to other birds but not "worms" and "cats" together. Animal communication is also closed in the sense of being tied to what is immediately present in the environment. The bird can signal "worms" only because it sees them. In contrast, we call blend and combine symbols to express whatever ideas come into our heads. We can create new messages, and the potential number of messages that we can send is infinite. Thus we can talk about concepts such as good and evil, truth and beauty, for which there is no physical thing that is being signaled. It is this creative character of language that leads many people to believe that language is unique to humans. Although several chimpanzees (黑猩猩) have been taught sign language, it is doubtful that they have created innovative sentences of their own. The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that ______.

no animals can use a subjective language as humans do ______
words and the things they refer to are inherently connected
animals produce fewer kinds of sound than humans
the seagull is a good example of animal communication

【单选题】Passage One Among all the animals, the ape is most like human beings. Both people and apes have the similar brain structure, the similar nerve system, and the similar kind of blood. Ther...

the gorilla is the biggest
the gibbon is only three feet high but it is heavier than the orangutan
the orangutan is smaller than the gorilla and cleverer than the gibbon
the orangutan can stand up to a great height, but others cannot

【单选题】Passage Three Musicians are fascinated with the possibility that music may be found in nature; it makes our own desire for art seem all the more essential. Over the past few years no les...

music should replace language as the major arena of animal research
animal experiments are more often than not cruel and inhuman
great progress has been made in the field of interspecies communication
the experiment with music may help scientific research on animals