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Christmas is actually a home and family festival. 1 Christmas approaches(临近),those 2 live away try to get back home. Besides, the big shops, beautifully 3 and brightly lit,stay open long after dark.Everyone is buying Christmas presents 4 friends and relatives.Parents try to give the children everything they want.The home is decorated with 5 paper chains,leaves of holly(冬青) and attractive greeting cards. 6 the corner there may be a Christmas tree, its branches decorated 7 shining stars,and coloured lights and 8 hung(挂)with gifts. In the evenings children may be heard outside the house singing Christmas songs.Christmas Eve comes at last.When the children go to bed,they often hang up a large stocking to receive the presents.Quietlythe parents go and 9 the presents near their bed. On Christmas Day people usually have a wonderful dinner. In the evening the family will sit round the fire,eating nuts,sweets and fruit, talking or watching TV or playing 10 .
