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Welcome to our small bu s iness set-up guide, prov i ding all t he information you need to start your bu s iness on a hea l thy, solid b asis. Fr om choosing the right na m e for your company and your first busin e ss plan, through to up -t o - date taxation ( 税 务 ) advice, banking and insurance tip, each s u bje c t is disc u s s ed in the guide. We also look a t the vita l characteristi cs you'll need to survive in business . De t ermination and originali t y( 原 创 性 ) are key . E quall y , so i s the ability to organi z e your ti m e and to put in the required effor t during the early days. As with any new business, s uccess can never be guarantee d , but our aim i s to reduce the difficulties involved in set t ing up a busines s on your own. We'll forewarn you of the most com m on problems, including failure to research your market in sufficient de t ail and not setting a s ide enough funds for t ougher financial tim e s. S tar ting up even the s mallest bu s ine s s can be challenging . B ut take comfor t in the fact that you are not alone. In fa c t, of the four m illio n bu s inesses currently in operation in the UK, more than 99. 3 % are classified as " s mal l ", with fewer than 60 e mplo ye es. In order to keep this guide as brief as possible, where we've not had enough room to include every detail, you ’ ll fi nd a link taking y ou to the most rele vant ( 相 关 的 ) ar t icles. G ood lu ck with your business ide a !


【单选题】语言本身就是-种文化力量和文化模式,人们自幼习得了这种语言,也就把其中包含一切文化观念、文化价值、文化准则、文化习俗的文化符号深深地融进了自己的思想和行为之中。与上述观点不相符的一项是( )。
