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找出本句主题句: 1Modesty,also known as humility, is a kind of wisdom, a golden rule for people to live, and a person who knows modesty will be respected and admired a lot.2 To be modest means to be low profile in three aspects. 3 First, To be modest means no exaggeration of one's ability or value and no act of boast or conceit. 4 Second, be low profile in manner.
5A person who knows humility is a person who really knows how to accumulate strength,and finally achieve success. 6Third,be low profile in words. 7 Think before you speak,|make sure you do not hurt others and then export,and gradually you can be well- recognized by others. 8Modesty is a traditional virtue of Chinese nation that should alwaysbe cherished by our young people.

①Modesty, also known as humility, refers to a kind of personal virtue with no exaggeration of one's ability or value and no act of boast or conceit.
② To be modest means  to be low profile in three aspects.
⑧ Think before you speak,|make sure you do not hurt others and then export,and gradually you can be well- recognized by others.
⑨Modesty is a traditional virtue of Chinese nation that should alwaysbe cherished by our young people.