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Which of the following may best describe the tone of the last paragraph of the passage ?()


The study of ecology is important for everyone who cares about our world. Air, water, and land -- we would not live without any of these. But what do we mean by land It is the earth beneath our feet, wherever we are. It is mountains and plains. It is wide fields for growing com and wheat. Or it may be an airfield or a parking lot or a highway or a whole city -- land covered with cement, asphalt, and buildings. Land is the solid part of the Earth.
Land is the soil plants grow in. That is the most important things about the land -- it is the place where green plants grow. Without green plants there would be not life on Earth. Green leaves make oxygen. All of us -- ants, elephants, people, every living creature -- must have oxygen to stay alive. We breathe in oxygen and our bodies use it. Carbon dioxide is formed in the process and we breathe it out. Leaves use carbon dioxide along with water to make food for plants. Then they give off oxygen.
This process has been going on for millions of years. It is part of the pattern of our natural life on Earth. This pattern had changed very little for millions of years before people arrived on Earth. People found ways to improve their lives by changing nature, by trying to make nature fit in with their way of life. Warm houses in winter, electric lights at night, factories to produce our food, our clothes, our gadgets(零用品) -- all this people have accomplished. And we learned to grow more food on the land than nature could grow without our help.
All this is good -- up to a point. But it has gone too far. We have produced too much and we have failed to see what this was doing to our world. We have not understood the ways in which all living things on Earth depend on one another. We ourselves have increased until the sheer numbers of people on Earth have upset the balance of nature.

【单选题】Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

They feel delighted.
They feel relaxed.
They feel lost.
They feel confident.

【单选题】58() A.visitors B.robbers C.owners D.window-shoppers

In 1959 the (41) American family paid $ 989 (42) a year’ s supply of food. In 1972 the family paid $1 311. That was a price (43) of nearly one-third.
Every family has (44) this sort of experience. Everyone agrees that the cost of (45) a family has risen sharply. But there is less agreement (46) reasons for the rise are being discussed. Who is really (47)
Many blame the farmers who (48) the vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs and cheese (49) stores offer for (50) . According to the U.S. Department of (51) , the farmer’s share of the $ 1 311 spent by the family in 1972 was $ 521. This was thirty-one percent (52) than the farmer had received in 1959.
But farmers claim that this increase was very small (53) to the increase in their cost of (54) . Farmers tend to blame others for the sharp (55) in food prices. They particularly blame those who (56) the farm products after the products leave the farm. These (57) truck drives, meat packers, manufacturers of packages and other food containers, and the (58) of stores where food is sold. They are among the "middlemen" who stand (59) the farmer and the people who buy and eat the food. (60) middlemen the ones to blame for food price

【单选题】According to the passage, policemen spend most of their time and efforts() A. consulting the rules of law B. collecting and providing evidence C. tracking and arresting criminals D. patrolling the str...

Real policemen hardly recognize any resemblance between their lives and what they see on TV.
The first difference is that a policeman’s real life revolves found criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and-rain, running down a street after someone he wants to talk to.
Little of his time is spent in chatting, he will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people who are guilty of stupid, petty crimes.
Most television crime drama is about finding the criminal: as soon as he’s arrested, the story is over. In real life, finding criminals is seldom much of a problem. Except in very serious cases like murders and terrorist attacks little effort is spent on searching.
Having made an arrest, a detective really starts to work. He has to prove his case in court and to do that he often has to gather a lot of difference evidence.
The third big difference between the drama detective and the real one is the unpleasant pressures, first, as members of a police force they always have to behave absolutely in accordance with the law~ secondly, as expensive public servants they have to get results. They can hardly ever do both. Most of the time some of them have to break the rules in small ways.
If the detective has to deceive the world, the world often deceives him. Hardly anyone he meets tells him the truth. And this separation the detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple-mindedness--as he sees it--of citizens, social workers, doctors, law-makers, and judges, who, instead of eliminating crime punish the criminals less severely in the hope that this will make them reform. The result, detectives feel, is that nine-tenths of their work is recatching people who should have stayed behind bars. This makes them rather cynical.