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A: There’s a good fihn tonight. (11) .
B: I’m sorry. I hale films.
A: Well. (12)
B: Sorry. I don’t like TV. either. I like dancing and listening to pop music. Mtn. (13)
A: Dancing! (14) .
B: Ok. (15)
2) A: Didyouscetheneweplsode(集)of the James Bond movie last night
B: No. I didn’t (16)
A: Sorry you didn’t see it. 007 was ahmost kiged (被杀) but at last he was saved (被救) by a beauty().
B: Really But I have to tell you ...
A: What
B: (17)
A: How could it be All young boys feel imeresled in it (18)
B: Because it is always die same sorry. fimt James Bond is almost killed. and then he has luck (走运) with a beautifut girl.
A: (19)
B: I like some new ththgs.
A: (20)
B: I mean some stories in the future. You never know them but you can think about then. They are all differenl and thlemsdng.
