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听力原文:M: Excuse me madam.Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?
W: I beg your pardon?
M: I'd like to look into your bag, if you don't mind.
W: Who are you to insist? I advise you to take off, before I call a policeman.
M: I am a policeman, madam.Here's my identity card.
W: What? Oh...well...and just what right does that give you to go around looking into people's bugs?
M: None whatsoever, unless I have reason to believe that there's something in the bags belonging to someone else.
W: What do you mean belonging to someone else?
M: Well, perhaps, things that haven't been paid for?
W: Are you talking about stolen goods?
M: Exactly, but if the citizens are honest they wouldn't mind, would they?
W: Stopping people in the street and demanding to see what in their bags!
M: I'm sorry.I'm trying to do my job as politely as possible.However, I must insist on Being what you have in you bag.
W: And what, precisely, do you expect to find in there?
M: Thank you madam.
W: Net at all.
M: Mm.Six lipsticks?
W: Yes, nothing unusual in that I like to change the eater with my mood.
M: I see you smoke a lot.Fif cigarette lighters!
W: Yes, I an rather a heavy smoker.
M: Now are you going to come along quietly or am I going to have to call for help?
W: But this is unfair!

A businessman in a store.
A wander in the street.
A man with plain clothes.

【单选题】听力原文:M: I still don't understand what it is that you are talking about. What is feminism anyway? Does it mean you don't want to marry me anymore? W: I'm not sure I can give you perfect dictionary defi...

Wives and husbands doing exactly the same thing.
Equality of the sexes.
Husbands earning enough money to support their families.
Wives making exactly as much money as their husband.