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What did you study at university If it was something along the lines of law or business, you might want to look away now. That"s because according to new research, which has found a link between our university subjects and our personalities, you have selfish, uncooperative tendencies and are not very in touch with your feelings. On the plus side, you"re probably the life and soul of a party, the findings suggest.
Researchers yzed data from more than 13,000 university students who were involved in 12 separate studies. From this, they discovered a correlation between the "Big Five" major personality traits and the subjects they were enrolled on.
For example, those studying law, economics, political science and medicine tended to be much more outgoing than those taking other subjects, the study found. But when it came to "agreeableness" —the tendency towards being helpful, generous and considerate—the lawyers scored particularly low, as did business and economics students.
Arts and humanities students, as well as those studying psychology and politics scored highly for openness, meaning they were curious, imaginative and in touch with their inner feelings, while economists, engineers, lawyers and scientists scored comparatively low. However, the arts and humanities students also tended to be less conscientious and more nervous, typically exhibiting signs of anxiety and moodiness. Psychology students were not far behind arts and humanities students for these traits.
Study author Anna Vedel, from the University of Aarhus in Denmark, said she was surprised by the results. "The effect sizes show that the differences found are not trivial, far from," she said. "On the more humorous side they do confirm our more or less prejudicial stereotypes of the disturbed psychologist, the withdrawn natural scientist, the cynical economist."
And she said that the findings could help those school pupils who currently have no idea what to study at university, as well as helping academics to plan their lectures. "I"m not arguing that these results should play a major role in either guidance or selection, but it might provide some inspiration for students that are in doubt about study choices and want to make a choice based on more than abilities, for example," said Dr Vedel. "Or teachers might better understand their student population."Last year, I went WWOOFing (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) at a beautiful organic farm in La Réunion. With WWOOFing, volunteers exchange their time and work for food and accommodation. I slept in a cabin in the woods with hedgehogs (刺猬)digging about in the bushes, all different coloured birds singing in the morning and endless rows of palm trees offering shade from the sun.
For me, one of the best ways to get to know a new place is to work with the land, live with the locals and share meals together. This is why I absolutely love WWOOFing. It has got to be one of the best ways to travel. It is a mutually beneficial exchange where everyone involved prioritises people and environment above profit. You get the time and space to deepen a connection with local communities and nature.
There is a lot to learn and each farm has its own unique way of doing things, depending on the environment, climate and soil. At the farm in La Réunion we planted palm trees to harvest the core of the trunk which can be eaten in salads. Before staying with the farm I had only eaten heart of palm from cans which were nothing in comparison to the real thing, fresh from the ground. When potting up the very beginnings of the palm trees, I felt grateful to be a part of the start of the trees" cycle. I was filled with awe that something so small could grow into something so big and strong.
We also did lots of weeding, which helped me to get to know all kinds of different plants, to be able to identify which ones we could use as herbs/medicine/in salads and which were seen as uneatable. I also got to harvest pineapples and guava fruit (番石榴) to make jams which will be sold at the local market.
Of course, not everyone is able to travel far away into the field. The great thing about the skill-share philosophy behind WWOOFing is that it"s something we can all do from our own backyard. The focus shifts from money to how we can best support each other in our communities. A fair exchange can make a big difference in the world.AlphaGo"s victory over Go(围棋) champion Lee Se-dol reportedly shocked artificial intelce experts, who thought such an was 10 to 15 years away. But if the timing was a surprise, the outcome was not. On the contrary, it was inevitable and entirely foreseeable.
Playing complex s is precisely what computers do supremely well. Just as they beat the world champions at checkers(跳棋) and then chess, they were destined to beat the champion at Go. Yet I don"t believe, as some do, that human defeats like this one presage an era of mass unemployment in which awesomely able computers leave most of us with nothing to do. Advancing technology will profoundly change the nature of high-value human skills and that is threatening, but we aren"t doomed.
The skills of deep human interaction, the abilities to manage the exchanges that occur only between people, will only become more valuable. Three of these skills stand out: The first, the foundation of the rest, is empathy, which is more than just feeling someone else"s pain. It"s the ability to perceive what another person is thinking or feeling, and to respond in an appropriate way.
The second is creative problem-solving in groups. Research on group effectiveness shows that the key isn"t team cohesion or motivation or even the smartest member"s IQ; rather, it"s the social sensitivity of the members, their ability to read one another and keep anyone from dominating.
The third critical ability, somewhat surprisingly, is storytelling, which has not traditionally been valued by organizations. Charts, graphs and data ysis will continue to be important, but that"s exactly what technology does so well. To change people"s minds or inspire them to act, tell them a story.
These skills, though basic to our humanity, are fundamentally different from the skills that have been the basis of economic progress for most of human history, such as logic, knowledge and ysis, which we learned from textbooks and in classrooms. By contrast, the skills of deep human interaction address the often irrational reality of how human beings behave, and we find them not in textbooks but inside ourselves. As computers ever more complexity, that"s where we"ll find the source of our continued value.A. I literally can"t stop.
B. But now I don"t need to worry any more.
C. You"re known as the first billionaire author here.
D. But that"s not just about money.
Interviewer: You have published six popular books. 1
Interviewee: Yeah.
Interviewer: So how has being the first billionaire author affected your perception of yourself
Interviewee: I dress better. Well, you can definitely afford better clothes. 2 I think the single biggest thing that money gave me—and obviously I came from a place where I was a single mother and it really was hand to mouth at one point. It was literally as poor as you can get without being homeless at one point. 3 Never.
Interviewer: Are you in a place now where you can accept that you will always be rich
Interviewee: No.
Interviewer: And will you be writing more
Interviewee: Oh, definitely. I can"t, yeah, 4 Well, I mean, you could tie my hands to my sides, I suppose, but I have to write. For my own mental health, I need to write.What did you study at university If it was something along the lines of law or business, you might want to look away now. That"s because according to new research, which has found a link between our university subjects and our personalities, you have selfish, uncooperative tendencies and are not very in touch with your feelings. On the plus side, you"re probably the life and soul of a party, the findings suggest.
Researchers yzed data from more than 13,000 university students who were involved in 12 separate studies. From this, they discovered a correlation between the "Big Five" major personality traits and the subjects they were enrolled on.
For example, those studying law, economics, political science and medicine tended to be much more outgoing than those taking other subjects, the study found. But when it came to "agreeableness" —the tendency towards being helpful, generous and considerate—the lawyers scored particularly low, as did business and economics students.
Arts and humanities students, as well as those studying psychology and politics scored highly for openness, meaning they were curious, imaginative and in touch with their inner feelings, while economists, engineers, lawyers and scientists scored comparatively low. However, the arts and humanities students also tended to be less conscientious and more nervous, typically exhibiting signs of anxiety and moodiness. Psychology students were not far behind arts and humanities students for these traits.
Study author Anna Vedel, from the University of Aarhus in Denmark, said she was surprised by the results. "The effect sizes show that the differences found are not trivial, far from," she said. "On the more humorous side they do confirm our more or less prejudicial stereotypes of the disturbed psychologist, the withdrawn natural scientist, the cynical economist."
And she said that the findings could help those school pupils who currently have no idea what to study at university, as well as helping academics to plan their lectures. "I"m not arguing that these results should play a major role in either guidance or selection, but it might provide some inspiration for students that are in doubt about study choices and want to make a choice based on more than abilities, for example," said Dr Vedel. "Or teachers might better understand their student population."A. I literally can"t stop.
B. But now I don"t need to worry any more.
C. You"re known as the first billionaire author here.
D. But that"s not just about money.
Interviewer: You have published six popular books. 1
Interviewee: Yeah.
Interviewer: So how has being the first billionaire author affected your perception of yourself
Interviewee: I dress better. Well, you can definitely afford better clothes. 2 I think the single biggest thing that money gave me—and obviously I came from a place where I was a single mother and it really was hand to mouth at one point. It was literally as poor as you can get without being homeless at one point. 3 Never.
Interviewer: Are you in a place now where you can accept that you will always be rich
Interviewee: No.
Interviewer: And will you be writing more
Interviewee: Oh, definitely. I can"t, yeah, 4 Well, I mean, you could tie my hands to my sides, I suppose, but I have to write. For my own mental health, I need to write.
The word "presage" (Para. 2) is closest in meaning to "______".
