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Task 4 Read the following passage about Christmas and answer questions 21-30. How has the traditional British Christmas changed? Paragraph 1 The rise of technology and he introduction of new forms of entertainment made possible by the internet meant that traditional British Christmas is radically different from how it was when today's parents were children. Paragraph 2 Gone are the days when the family would all sit down together to watch the Queen's three o'clock speech before spending the evening playing board s, waiting to watch some special Christmas films on BBC 1. Paragraph 3 The internet now plays a pivotal role in the new family Christmas celebration. From ordering your turkey online, to setting up an Amazon Wish List to send to your grandma (hoping she knows how to buy it for you), to Skype-ing your relatives all across the globe on Christmas morning, the online world now impacts on Christmas like never before. Paragraph 4 Parents have been urged to stop pretending that Father Christmas is real in case the "lie' damages relations with their children. Spinning stories about Santa risks undermining a child's trust and is morally suspect, according to two experts. Psychologist Christopher Boyle and social scientist Dr. Kathy McKay also condemn the idea of a terrifying" North Pole nele agency which judges children to be nice or naughty. Paragraph 5 Christmas Day will see a furry of posts on social media- selfies showing off Christmas jumpers or greetings sent to friends and relatives around the world. So what was it really like before the digital age? Keep exploring to find out what a British Christmas was like before there was the internet. Questions21-25 Read the passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph from the list in the box. There is one heading you do NOT need. 21. Paragraph 1 22. Paragraph 2 23. Paragraph 3 24. Paragraph 4 25. Paragraph 5 A. The traditional customs B. No more Father Christmas C. Christmas Day has changed D. The origin of British Christmas E. Christmas Day in the digital age E. New approach to celebrations Questions 26-30 Complete the sentences with the EXACT words phrases or numbers from the passage. You must use NO MORE THAN THREE words for each blank. 26. The key factor for the change of Christmas is _ . 27. On traditional Christmas Day, the family usually would watch_ after playing board s. 28. The internet has made possible the rise of technology and the introduction of new forms of _ . 29. Some experts are against some traditional images such as _ , because they believe that the “lie” may damage parents’ relations with their children. 30. Christmas activities are quite different from those before the _ .


【单选题】In the third video, the speaker made a formal introduction. What did he mention in the last part of his introduction?

His greetings to the audience.
His self-introduction.
The outline of his research.
Time distribution of each part.

【单选题】下列选项的说法中,符合保险公估人地位特点的是( )。



adj. 被动的
v. 放松