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Have you ever seen an elephant in an ( 11 ) _________ arena(马戏场) tied to a little wooden stake That huge creature can pick up two thousand pounds with its trunk, yet it calmly ( 12 ) _________ tied. Why When that elephant was just a baby, and not very strong, it was tied by a huge ( 13 ) _________ to an iron stake that could not be moved. Regardless of how hard it tried, it could not break the chain and run free. After a while it just ( 14 ) _________. Now, even though it is strong, it never attempts to break free. The "imprint" (印象)is permanent "I can’’t! I can’’t!" it says. There are millions of people who behave like this circus creature. They have been tied and told "You’’ll never make it". They may have ( 15 ) _________ , but the "imprinting" keeps pulling them back.
