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We"ve all had to work and do things that we did not enjoy. Usually, some people would tell us to be 1 enthusiastic (热情的). "You"ll have more fun," they would say. Well, they were partly 2 . Being enthusiastic about something means being 3 about a given job.
4 , most men are not born great—they become great. Similarly, not everyone is the enthusiastic type that 5 in love with his work. But, do not lose 6 . There are ways to become more enthusiastic.
One good way is by reading about successful (成功的) people. It will help you realize (认识到) that you too can make it 7 . By reading about those real stories you will understand 8 people much like yourself have become successful. In 9 cases, they all have the same thing: enthusiasm.
If you want to be successful, you 10 be excited about your work and your life.It"s been 14 years since my family moved out of our old house, but I still remember the good old days there.
There were 12 families on our floor. We children were guests to almost every one of these homes.
That was where ball s were played among children of the many families and where the housewives talked to each other through windows while they were cooking.
Once my mother was away on a trip abroad with my grandma. Auntie Loh lived several doors away, so she cooked our meals every evening. They filled our stomachs (肚子) and warmed our hearts.
However, in the block where I live with my wife today, there are only four families on a floor. We know fewer of our neighbors (邻居) now. Nobody visits his neighbors" homes.
It"s true that working people spend much less time at home today. Some can"t find any difference between their home and a hotel. But being busy with work should not be a reason for treating (对待) one"s neighbors like strangers.The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you"ll get your words mixed up(混合) and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can"t understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor(幽默感) ,you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Don"t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It"s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you ,because they don"t understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is:" Don"t be afraid of mistakes because everyone makes mistakes."Some people have dogs or cats as pets. One woman in New York keeps a monkey as her pet. This monkey can wash dishes. He washes the dishes for the woman every day. He likes to wash dishes and never breaks a dish. Sometimes he washes the same dishes over and over. If the woman tries to stop him, he then gets angry. He begins to throw the dishes in all directions. But this does not happen very often. The woman"s husband is very happy with the monkey. The husband never needs to help his wife wash the dishes. The monkey does all this work. The husband says that he cannot understand how anybody, a person or a monkey, can like to wash dishes so much.It"s been 14 years since my family moved out of our old house, but I still remember the good old days there.
There were 12 families on our floor. We children were guests to almost every one of these homes.
That was where ball s were played among children of the many families and where the housewives talked to each other through windows while they were cooking.
Once my mother was away on a trip abroad with my grandma. Auntie Loh lived several doors away, so she cooked our meals every evening. They filled our stomachs (肚子) and warmed our hearts.
However, in the block where I live with my wife today, there are only four families on a floor. We know fewer of our neighbors (邻居) now. Nobody visits his neighbors" homes.
It"s true that working people spend much less time at home today. Some can"t find any difference between their home and a hotel. But being busy with work should not be a reason for treating (对待) one"s neighbors like strangers.We"ve all had to work and do things that we did not enjoy. Usually, some people would tell us to be 1 enthusiastic (热情的). "You"ll have more fun," they would say. Well, they were partly 2 . Being enthusiastic about something means being 3 about a given job.
4 , most men are not born great—they become great. Similarly, not everyone is the enthusiastic type that 5 in love with his work. But, do not lose 6 . There are ways to become more enthusiastic.
One good way is by reading about successful (成功的) people. It will help you realize (认识到) that you too can make it 7 . By reading about those real stories you will understand 8 people much like yourself have become successful. In 9 cases, they all have the same thing: enthusiasm.
If you want to be successful, you 10 be excited about your work and your life.Some people have dogs or cats as pets. One woman in New York keeps a monkey as her pet. This monkey can wash dishes. He washes the dishes for the woman every day. He likes to wash dishes and never breaks a dish. Sometimes he washes the same dishes over and over. If the woman tries to stop him, he then gets angry. He begins to throw the dishes in all directions. But this does not happen very often. The woman"s husband is very happy with the monkey. The husband never needs to help his wife wash the dishes. The monkey does all this work. The husband says that he cannot understand how anybody, a person or a monkey, can like to wash dishes so much.We"ve all had to work and do things that we did not enjoy. Usually, some people would tell us to be 1 enthusiastic (热情的). "You"ll have more fun," they would say. Well, they were partly 2 . Being enthusiastic about something means being 3 about a given job.
4 , most men are not born great—they become great. Similarly, not everyone is the enthusiastic type that 5 in love with his work. But, do not lose 6 . There are ways to become more enthusiastic.
One good way is by reading about successful (成功的) people. It will help you realize (认识到) that you too can make it 7 . By reading about those real stories you will understand 8 people much like yourself have become successful. In 9 cases, they all have the same thing: enthusiasm.
If you want to be successful, you 10 be excited about your work and your life.Some people have dogs or cats as pets. One woman in New York keeps a monkey as her pet. This monkey can wash dishes. He washes the dishes for the woman every day. He likes to wash dishes and never breaks a dish. Sometimes he washes the same dishes over and over. If the woman tries to stop him, he then gets angry. He begins to throw the dishes in all directions. But this does not happen very often. The woman"s husband is very happy with the monkey. The husband never needs to help his wife wash the dishes. The monkey does all this work. The husband says that he cannot understand how anybody, a person or a monkey, can like to wash dishes so much.We"ve all had to work and do things that we did not enjoy. Usually, some people would tell us to be 1 enthusiastic (热情的). "You"ll have more fun," they would say. Well, they were partly 2 . Being enthusiastic about something means being 3 about a given job.
4 , most men are not born great—they become great. Similarly, not everyone is the enthusiastic type that 5 in love with his work. But, do not lose 6 . There are ways to become more enthusiastic.
One good way is by reading about successful (成功的) people. It will help you realize (认识到) that you too can make it 7 . By reading about those real stories you will understand 8 people much like yourself have become successful. In 9 cases, they all have the same thing: enthusiasm.
If you want to be successful, you 10 be excited about your work and your life.
The husband hates to wash dishes.

Doesn"t Say



【单选题】"减色法混合即(),也称第二混合。 "
