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完形填空 The word 'sandwich'  is  an  English word. Sandwich was an English 1 .He lived in England about two hundred years ago. Sandwich had a lot of 2 .But he liked 3 cards for money. He often played 4 day and all night. 5 day he played twenty-four hours without. stopping, He did not 6 the card table to eat. He asked his servant(仆人)to 7 him some meat and 8 .So he put some meat between two pieces of bread. He did not want to stop 9 playing cards. From the name of this man,Sandwich,we have the word 'sandwich' 10 . (     )1. A. woman (     )2. A. money (     )3. A. (     )4. A. every (     )5. A. One (     )6. A. hold (     )7. A. use (     )8. A. milk (     )9. A. before (     )10.A. in shop B. man B. food B. keeping B. only B. Some B. leave B. take B. tea B. when B. at school C. place C. bread C. playing C. one C. Next C. put C. bring C. fruit C. after C. today D. book D. cards D. selling D. all D. This D. show D. throw D. bread D. because D. this year


【单选题】It is not surprising that a philosophy borrowed from business should see its principal focus within education as the furthering of the connection with business and industry. Moreover, when a philosoph...

add complexity and richness to the profession
demonstrate the fallacies of the economic approach
prevent progression towards the economic aim
ensure that one particular philosophy is not overly dominant

【单选题】It is not surprising that a philosophy borrowed from business should see its principal focus within education as the furthering of the connection with business and industry.Moreover, when a philosophy...

business and education finds so much in common
politicians expect education to be like a business
the education world is managed by people from the business philosophy
those who come from the business world think education should serve industry needs

【单选题】It is not surprising that a philosophy borrowed from business should see its principal focus within education as the furthering of the connection with business and industry. Moreover, when a philosoph...

the goals are easier to define and measure
for those who take a wider view of education
economic competition is so intense these days
youth are lacking the skills to compete in the modem economy