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Please fill in the missing words with what you hear. 注意:填写答案时不要数字,直接用分号隔开即可。如: dull;bore;.... A Letter from a Girl Sometimes my three-year-old sister makes a mess (一团糟) in my room. When I tell her to 1)______ it 2) ______, she doesn't. Can you 3) ______ me? A Letter from an Editor Having a younger sibling (同胞) can be a challenge. It's great that you are looking for a peaceful solution. Your sister is very 4) and may not 5) that she is 6) . When little children play, they 7) spread things everywhere. Perhaps you could 8) out of cleaning up together. Tell her it's a race and you want to see if she can 9) faster than you can. If you help your sister now, she'll probably learn to clean by herself when she is 10) .
