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一、 将下列材料用英语编写成若干个微型对话。 并将其中的专业名词术语在百度上搜索相应的图片附在对话后面。比如: 电工 对话素材 : 问候和介绍 Welcome and Introduction 1. Welcometo China. 欢迎你到中国来。 2. Welcometo our job site. 欢迎你到我们工地来。 3. Iwish we shall have a friendly cooperation in coming days. 希望今后友好合作。 4. Allowme to introduce myself, my name is... 请允许我介绍自己,我的名字叫 ...... 5. Pleaseallow me to introduce a fellow of mine, Mr.___. 请允许我给你介绍一位我的同事, ...... 先生。 6. Iam a manager. (project manager, resident construction manager, constructionsuperintendent,controller staff member, engineer, technician, economist,supervisor, foreman, worker) 我是经理。(项目经理、驻工地总代表、工地主任、管理员、职员、工程师、技术员、经济员、检查员、工长、工人)。 7. Mytechnical specialty is civil engineering.(chemical engineering, process,mechanical equipment,electrical, instrumentation, piping, welding, furnacebuilding, corrosion prion, thermal-insulation, heating-ventilation,quality control). 我的技术专业是土建工程。(化工工程、工艺、机械设备、电气、仪表、管道、焊接、筑炉、防腐、保温、采暖通风、质量管理)。 8. Whatis your speciality? 你的专业是什么? 9. Iam a mechanician. (Electrician, pipelayer,welder, carpenter, turner,blacksmith, builder, erector, riveter,rigger, concrete worker,engine-driver,repair worker). 我是一个机械工。(电工、管工、焊工、木工、车工、铁工、建筑工人、安装工人、铆工、起重工、混凝土工、司机、维修工)。 10. Whatis your nationality? Are you American? (English, Japanese, German, French,Italian, Romanian). 你是什么国籍的?你是美国人吗?(英国人、日本人、德国人、法国人、意大利人、罗马尼亚人)。 11. Whichdepartment do you belong to? 你在那家公司工作? 12. Kindlygive us your advice, please. 请多指教。 13. Thanksfor your direction. 感谢你的指导。 三、下面的阅读先预习,将生词的音标,主要意思附在后面,如: irrigation 英 [ˌɪrɪ' ɡ eɪʃn] n. 灌溉 ; 水利 ; 3Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Irrigation and drainage technology is a comprehensive science and technology , whichis aiming at regulating the farmland water status,improving regionalhydrological variation , using effectiveregulation measures scientifically and reasonably to eliminate flood anddrought disasters, and to service agricultural production and sound developmentof the ecological environment by utilizing water resources rationally. Theservice object mainly includes two aspects, one is regulating farmland moistureconditions and the second is improving and regulating the regional hydrologicalcondition. The basic contents of irrigation anddrainage engineering techniques include as follows: ysis and determinationof water requirement rule and water demand, determination of irrigation processand water consumption, irrigation methods and irrigation techniques, rationalutilization of water resources in the agriculture field, water supply method, projectlayout and design of water channel (or pipeline). 3.1Farmlandmoisture conditions and irrigation water consumption in the farmland There are three kinds of existing formsof farmland moisture, i.e. suce water, soil water and groundwater, amongwhich soil water has the closest relation with the crop growth. Farmlandmoisture condition is mainly divided into two kinds, i.e. dryland farmingregion and rice region. Irrigation water use and irrigation water discharge arethe water quantity and water flow introduced from the water source. They arethe indispensable data of watershed planning and regional water planning. 3.2Suce irrigationtechnology Irrigation method is defined as thepattern of the irrigation water entering the field and moistening the plantroot zone soil. Irrigation technology refers to a series of scientific measurescorresponding to an irrigation method. Traditional suce irrigationtechnology includes border, furrow and basin irrigation. Ground water-savingirrigation technology includes surge irrigation, small furrow "threechanges" irrigation, long furrow sectional irrigation, and combined the wideand shallow furrows irrigation. 3.3Irrigation watersource and water intake engineering technology Irrigation water source is the naturalresource that can be used for irrigation. The main types are suce irrigationwater source, underground irrigation water source, rainwater harvesting, thedevelopment and utilization of poor quality water, and combined use ofdifferent water sources. There are four kinds of water intake approaches, i.e.diversion without dam, diversion dam, water intake by pumping and water intake fromreservoir. 3.4The plan and designof core drainage system Drainage channel and pipe system has thecharacteristics of wide distribution, large quantity, and important influence. Thecriterions of planning layout should be followed are lower layout, reasonableeconomy, row distribution by elevation, overall planning and comprehensive utilization.Drainage system is generally divided into two basic types: (1) general drainage system, (2) comprehensive utilizationdrainage system. 3.5Channelseepage control Channel seepage control engineering technologiesrefer to various engineering technical measures to reduce channel leakage loss.The channel impermeable materials mainly include soil, cement soils, stone, coatingmaterial, concrete, bituminous concrete, etc. Anti-frost heave measures in the channelseepage control engineering involve avoiding frost heave method, reducing frostheave method and optimizing structure method. 3.6Well irrigation districtplanning On the basis of the comprehensiveysis and summations of various basic data, well irrigation district planningis put forward according to the planning principles and tasks. The well irrigationdistrict planning can be divided into as follows in accordance with main tasks,(1) the new well irrigation district planned to develop,(2) reconstruction andplanning of the old well irrigation district, (3) the well irrigation districtcombined well and channel, (4) the well irrigation district needing comprehensivemanagement of pring water logging and solotization. 3.7Sprinklingirrigation engineering technology Sprinkling irrigation is a irrigationmethod by taking use of sprinklers and other special equipments to spraypressurized water into the air, and forming water droplets and falling to the groundand crop suce. Sprinkling irrigation system mainly consists of water sourceengineering, water pump and power equipment, transmission and distribution pipenetwork systems, sprinklers and auxiliary works, auxiliary equipment and othercomponents. 3.8Microirrigationengineering technology Microirrigation is an irrigation methodof transforming pressurized water into small stream or droplet by specialequipment and moistening the soil near the crop root, including dripirrigation, microsprayirrigation and spring irrigation, etc. Microirrigation system is composed of water sourceworks, head works, piping system and douche. 3.9Low pressure pipeirrigation engineering technology Lowpressure pipe irrigation project is aform through superseding open channel irrigation by pipe. Under a certainpressure, the irrigation water is transported to the field by outlet facility,then to the ditch and furrow by the pipe outlet or exterior waterpipe. Bycomparing with other irrigation methods, it has several advantages, (1) savingwater and energy, (2) saving area and labor, (3) low cost and high efficiency, (4) highadaptability and management convenience. Lowpressure pipe irrigation systemconsists of water source and intake works, transportation and distribution pipenetwork system and field irrigation system. 3.10Field drainagesystem Farmland drainage is to collect andexclude excessive water, reduce and control the water table, improve crop growthenvironment, pr and eliminate the disasters of flood, water logging, and salinization,provide a good environmental conditions for the normal growth of crops. Accordingto the spatial position,the field drainage system can be classified into twokinds, horizontal drainage and shaft drainage. According to the patterns offield drainage, the field drainage includes ditch drainage systems, buried pipedrainage system and shaft drainage system. 3.11The plan and designof core drainage system Drainage channel and pipe system has thecharacteristics of wide distribution, large quantity, and important influence. Thecriterions of planning layout should be followed are lower layout, reasonableeconomy, row distribution by elevation, overall planning and comprehensive utilization.Drainage system is generally divided into two basic types: (1) general drainage system, (2) comprehensive utilizationdrainage system. 3 灌溉排水工程技术 灌溉排水技术是调节农田水分状况和改善地区水情变化,科学合理地运用有效的调节措施,消除水旱灾害,合理利用水资源,服务于农业生产和生态环境良性发展的一门综合性科学技术。 其服务对象主要包括两个方面,一是调节农田水分状况,二是改善和调节地域水情。 灌溉排水工程技术的基本内容包括:分析和确定作物的需水规律和需水量,灌溉用水过程和用水量的确定;灌溉方法和灌水技术;水资源在农业方面的合理利用,水源的取水方式;输水渠道(或管道)工程的规划布置及设计。 3.1 农田水分状况和灌溉用水量 农田水分存在地面水、土壤水和地下水三种形式,其中土壤水是与作物生长关系最密切的水分存在方式。农田水分状况主要分为旱作地区和水稻地区两种。灌溉用水量和灌溉用水流量是指灌区需要从水源引入的水量和流量。它们是流域规划和区域水利规划不可缺少的数据。 3.2 地面灌水技术 灌水方法是指灌溉水进入田间并湿润植物根区土壤的方式与方法,而灌水技术则是指相应于某种灌水方法所采取的一系列科学措施。传统地面灌水技术有畦灌、沟灌和淹灌。节水型地面灌水技术有波涌灌、小畦 “ 三改 ” 灌水技术、长畦分段灌和宽浅式畦沟结合灌水技术。 畦灌 沟灌 淹灌 波涌灌 3.3 灌溉水源及取引水工程技术 灌溉水源是指天然资源中可用于灌溉的水体,主要类型有地表灌溉水源、地下灌溉水源、雨水集蓄、劣质水开发利用和不同水源的联合利用。灌溉取水方式有无坝引水、有坝引水、抽水取水和水库取水。 3.4 灌溉渠道系统规划设计 灌溉渠道系统由各级灌溉渠道和退(泄)水渠道组成。其布置应符合灌区总体设计和灌溉标准要求。渠系建筑物是指为安全、合理地输配水量,以满足各部门的需要,在渠道系统上所建的建筑物。按作用可分为控制建筑物、交叉建筑物、泄水建筑物、衔接建筑物、量水建筑物等。 3.5 渠道防渗 渠道防渗工程技术是指为减少渠道渗漏损失而采取的各种工程技术措施。渠道防渗按材料分为土料、水泥土、石料、膜料、混凝土、沥青混凝土等。渠道防渗工程的防冻胀措施有回避冻胀法、削减冻胀法和优化结构法。 3.6 井灌区规划 井灌区规划是在综合分析与归纳区内各种基本资料的基础上,根据规划原则,结合规划任务的需要所得出来的结果。井灌区规划按其主要任务不同可分为: (1) 计划发展的新井灌区; (2) 对旧井灌区的改建规划; (3) 井渠结合的井灌区; (4) 防渍涝和治碱等综合治理的井灌区。 3.7 喷灌工程技术 喷灌是一种利用喷头等专用设备把有压水喷洒到空中,形成水滴落到地面和作物表面的灌水方法。喷灌系统主要由水源工程、水泵及动力设备、输配水管网系统、喷头和附属工程、附属设备等部分组成。 3.8 微灌工程技术 喷灌是一种利用喷头等专用设备把有压水喷洒到空中,形成水滴落到地面和作物表面的灌水方法。喷灌系统主要由水源工程、水泵及动力设备、输配水管网系统、喷头和附属工程、附属设备等部分组成。 3.9 低压管道输水灌溉工程技术 低压管道输水灌溉工程是以管道代替明渠输水灌溉的一种工程形式。通过一定的压力,将灌溉水由分水设施输送到田间,再由管道分水口或外接管输水进入田间沟、畦。它与其他灌溉方式比较有几个优点: (1) 节水节能; (2) 省地、省工; (3) 成本低、效益高; (4) 适应性强、管理方便。低压管道输水灌溉系统由水源与取水工程、输水配水管网系统和田间灌水系统组成。 3.10 田间排水系统 农田排水就是汇集和排除农多余水量,降低和控制地下水位,从而改善作物的生长环境,防治和消除涝、渍及盐碱灾害,为作物的正常生长创造良好的环境条件。田间排水系统按空间位置可分为水平排水和竖井排水两大类。根据田间排水方式的不同,田间排水系统有明沟排水系统、暗管排水系统和竖井排水系统三种方式。 3.11 骨干排水系统规划设计 排水沟道系统分布广、数量多、影响大,在规划布置时应遵循低处布置、经济合理、高低分排、统筹规划和综合利用几个原则。排水系统一般分为两个基本类型: (1) 一般排水系统; (2) 综合利用的排水系统。


【单选题】2009年7月6日,某建筑公司的司机将自己所驾驶的该建筑公司运送沥青混凝土的运输车开进了施工现场附近的一条小河里进行清洗,该行为( )。




【单选题】( )是为将浇筑式的施工方法用于环氧沥青混凝土而开发的一种新材料。 B高
