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The first harvest means the death of the crops as grain is gathered, and the thanksgiving of the people
to the goddesses who provided them with life sustaining grains.
Late July and early August mark the middle of summer and the beginning of the harvest season.
'Famine (饥荒) was common during July as the previous years' harvest supplies were almost totally used UP. Harvesting grains in August ensured the continuance of life and was recognized by many cultures as a
time of thanksgiving.
In ancient Rome the grain goddess Ceres was honored on the first harvest called Ceresalia in her
honor. Our modern word cereal comes from her name. Other goddesses celebrated at the first harvest
were Demeter, Persephone, Venus and the Corn Mother. Many native American tribes honor the Corn
Grandmother during the Festival of Green Corn. It was held during the full moon when the corn was
ready to be harvested. The celebration lasted for several days and was a time to be thankful and a time
of forgiveness.
Lughnasadh was a happy time regarded as the first of three harvest festivals. Lughnasadh honors the
god Lugh, and his foster-mother Taillte who died while clearing the fields of Ireland for agriculture. In
Old Irish 'Lunasa' means 'August'. The Celts celebrate this day from sunset of August 1 to sunset on
August 2 as the wake of Lugh, the Sun-King whose light began to decline after the summer solstice (夏至). At this time oaths ( 誓言) were taken and contracts were signed.
This day was known to the Saxons as Lammas, or loaf-mass, a time when grains were harvested and
baked into bread. The grain was harvested, giving its life so that people might live. The grain was made
into bread, and the bread was symbolic of the gods. Christians later adopted this holiday as a day when
bread, made from the first fruits of the harvest, was brought to the church to be blessed.
August is a time to reflect on the past year, on things that have come to fruition and things that failed.
A time to let go of regrets and say farewell to things that have passed and preserve all the fruits that have
been gathered to hold onto for future memories.
1. The passage should be entitled ______.
A. August Harvest Festivals
B. August Tradition
C. Gathering Grain
D. Special August Time
2. What was the significance of harvesting grains in August?
A. It welcomed the death of the crops.
B. It provided the chance of thanksgiving.
C. It guaranteed the continuance of life.
D. It marked the middle of summer.
3. Which of the following is NOT a close relationship according to the passage?
A. Ancient Romans - the grain goddess Ceres. '
B. Native Americans - the Corn Grandmother.
C. Christians - the god Lugh and his foster-mother Taillte.
D. The Celts - Lugh, the Sun-King.
4. From the last sentence of the 4th paragraph 'At this time oaths were taken and contracts were
signed', we can infer that the Celts are ______.
A. happy at that time
B. Serious about the day
C. are full of hope
D. thankful at that time


【单选题】In the last 500 years, nothing about people—not their clothes, ideas, or languages—has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree (可可树) by...

they were so dependent on potatoes that they refused to cat anything else
they were forced to leave their homeland and move to America
the weather conditions in Ireland were not suitable for growing potatoes
the potato harvest was bad