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Do you like to play outside? Do you like to1? Do you like to play with a ball? You can do all
these2if you play football.
Football players 3 throw (扔) and catch the ball. They cannot touch the ball with their4. They
can only kick (踢) the ball. If you have5 teams, you can play football. There is a goal (球门) for each
team. Some goals are big net and other goals are only lines (线条).
The players on one team want to kick the ball into the other6 . When the ball goes into the other's
goal, they make one point (得一分).
Lots of people play7. You can be8or old, tall or short. Football is easy to play. All you need
is a ball and a place to play. Then find enough (足够的)9to play. Keep playing football every day,
and you will be very10.
( )1. A. sleep
( )2. A. activities
( )3. A. can
( )4. A. legs
( )5. A. two
( )6. A. goal
( )7. A. volleyball
( )8. A. young
( )9. A. workers
( )10. A. shortB. sit
B. tricks
B. will
B. hands
B. three
B. room
B. baseball
B. small
B. teachers
B. unhappyC. run
C. jobs
C. cannot
C. feet
C. four
C. pool
C. basketball
C. tall
C. doctors
C. strong D. eat
D. work
D. will not
D. heads
D. five
D. garden
D. football
D. slim
D. players
D. old
